Mirjam Kühne

The RIPE Chair Team Reports - June 2024

Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Niall O'Reilly

3 min read


With RIPE 88 having taken place and plenty of other industry events happening across the RIPE region, the RIPE Chair Team takes a quick look at what's been happening in June.

Highlights from RIPE 88

For various reasons - one of them the sudden death of RIPE Address Policy Working Group Chair, Erik Bais, which came as a great shock to many of us - I didn’t have a chance to write a summary of RIPE 88. Also, the RIPE 88 Daily Meeting Blog provided by the RIPE NCC provides a great summary already.

The meeting itself went very well and many people provided positive feedback: the content was interesting, there were a number of inspiring and constructive discussions, both in the Working Groups and the plenary sessions, the venue worked well, and the atmosphere was buzzing and friendly.

People also appreciated that we listened to feedback and suggestions received last time and consequently improved many aspects of the meeting and the information provided to the participants.

One topic that was raised in a number of sessions was the relationship between the RIPE community and the RIPE NCC. How can we best support each other and how can we all continue to strengthen this relationship and to further work on our mission to collaborate and to coordinate important parts of the technical infrastructure and provide a stable Internet in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and polarised.

Industry events



Early in June I attended TNC24 in Rennes, the annual networking event for National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and other academic institutions. It was lovely to be back after some years, to re-connect with colleagues and friends and to make new contacts. There is so much our communities have in common. There is a lot we can learn from each other and there is definitely room for collaboration.

Deploying IPv6 and sunsetting IPv4 is one if those topics that concerns us all. At TNC24, there was a lively BoF with the aim to collect input on the hurdles that we still need to overcome. One of them is the fact that many NRENs and universities have enough IPv4 addresses and don’t see the need for change. Also cost was mentioned as a stumbling block and the lack of a central place with trustworthy information for all target groups, including management, purchasing departments and others. We agreed to work together and create a place (i.e. a webpage) where we can collect relevant documentation, training material, etc.

EuroDIG 2024


Last week I was in Vilnius at the EuroDIG event where I was invited to speak during the opening session. In my short speech I highlighted some of our community's values and principles such as openness, collaboration and coordination and stressed the enormous wealth of expertise the technical community has. Also, building communities such as the RIPE community or EuroDIG and the IGF takes time and effort and we need to use those existing structures and further build on them.


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About the author

I studied Computer Science at the TU Berlin, Germany, and have been a member of the RIPE community for over twenty years. Currently I am serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community.

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