
Johannes Krupp

Based in Saarbrücken




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About the author

Johannes Krupp is a researcher at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. He joined CISPA as a Ph.D. candidate after receiving a bachelor degree in computer science from Saarland University in 2014. His research on DDoS attacks and attack attribution has been recognized by the academic community with publications at RAID and CCS.

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• Reply to Lucas on Honeypot-based Monitoring of Amplification DDoS Attacks by Johannes Krupp

“Hi, Nice work! Do you have the numbers of attack per day and per honeypot? Are the number of attacks observed by each honeypot nearly the same or have a high variation? Thanks.”

Thanks. Yes, we do keep the numbers of attacks per day (and per honeypot as well). So far the number of attacks observed has been nearly the same over all honeypots. Interestingly though, not all attacks are observed by all honeypots. Then again our honeypots only constitute a small fraction of all potential amplifiers out there, so some variation is to be expected.

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