Mirjam Kühne

IPv6 CPE Survey - Updated (January 2011)

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Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Marco Hogewoning

13 min read

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Based on new information we received since the last publication, we updated the IPv6 CPE matrix below. Please also note a call for help. We are preparing a detailed survey to gather more user feedback and would like you participate in this survey.

Note: Please find a list of related articles here: IPv6 CPE Surveys .

Your input is needed

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and contributed to this matrix. In order to make this information more useful for a large user base, we are planning to send out a proper survey to gather more structural feedback about the range of equipment that is currently in use. Please refer to The Future of the IPv6 CPE Survey - More Input Needed for more background information. The actual survey will be announced in a few weeks once we determined what type of information will be most useful to gather.

Recent updates to the IPv6 CPE matrix

That means this will be most likely be the last time we update theIPv6 CPE matrix as it stands at the moment. The next one will be based on the feedback we receive from the survey. Please note the following changes:

General observations

In general we see an uptake of 6RD on both the demand side, as well as from vendors adding it to their feature list. The number of responses however, from people actually using it and being able to tell whether it works is currently zero. If you happen to run 6RD on any of the listed boxes or even on equipment we don't know, please tell us about your experiences.

We have also seen some new entrants to the market of IPv6 CPE. That means people are taking it more seriously and demand is increasing. Again, if you are running an unlisted box or you manufacture a device which isn't included, please let us know. Please keep in mind that for the device to be included, it has to be available from shops and has to be suitable for mass deployment. We know there ways to make it work by flashing hardware with alternative firmwares. But this does require a certain degree of knowledge and when it breaks, you are usually on your own. This makes it less suitable for a mass roll out as the average user wants support and warranties to work.

Vendor specific updates

AVM: AVM moved IPv6 from 'labor' into their productions releases, which include the brand new 7390. There are indications that most of the earlier problems got fixed, but at the same time some others popped up (there seems to be an issue with PPPoA for the AVM 7390). The latest versions should now also include support for 6RD, although only allowing for the full 32 bits being mapped.

Zyxel: RFC1483/bridge and RFC1483/routed has been user confirmed.

D-LINK: These are the current supported versions; sources in D-Link indicate more are being worked on: DIR-601 Rev.A1, DIR-615 Rev.C1/C2/E1/E2/E3/E4, DIR-652 Rev.A1, DIR-655 Rev.B1, and DIR-825 Rev.B1

As far as the product is concerned, it's mostly a 'home gateway' being limited to PPPoE at the moment. Another thing to note is that although RFC 5006 has been implemented, due to lack of support in clients (Windows 7 is named explicitly), it has been pulled from the release. The feature is available upon request.

The same goes for management - as the boxes are aimed at retail, only a webGUI is offered, but TR69 and SNMP are available for specific tenders.

IPv6 Survey Matrix Values

The matrix below lists the features and various models of CPE on which we have information. The status fields can have five different values:

Unknown ( - ):

Neither the vendor nor the community can confirm the feature is present.


Vendor or testing confirms the feature is not supported.

Claimed by vendor:

The vendor has confirmed the feature is present. However, we haven’t heard any reports from the community confirming whether it actually works and we haven’t been able to test it ourselves.


Feedback from the community or test results indicate the feature is there but not working.


Feedback from the community or test results indicate the feature is showing irregular behavior or is not working as expected.


Based on community feedback and testing we can confirm the feature is there and working as expected.


AVM (FRITZ!Box) Draytek Zyxel Juniper (ScreenOS) Juniper (JUNOS) Cisco D-Link
Hardware version required 7270, 7570, 7390 Vigor 2130 series, vigor 120 All models released in 2010 All All Most SOHO boxes Most new boxes
Minimum software level required "Labor" only 2130:v1.3.0 120:v3.2.4.3 Per model, check vendor 6.1 10.2 12.4T or 15 see notes above
Status Beta General deployment Beta General deployment Early deployment General deployment General deployment
WAN layer 2
Docsis 3.0 vendor no no no no - -
ADSL 2+ confirmed 120 only vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed no
VDSL confirmed no vendor no vendor - no
Ethernet confirmed vendor vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed confirmed
FTTx - vendor vendor no no - no
WAN Layer 3
PPPoA confirmed no vendor no vendor confirmed no
PPPoE confirmed confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed vendor
RFC1483/bridge vendor no confirmed no no vendor no
RFC1483/routed - - confirmed vendor vendor vendor no
Plain IP - vendor vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed no
WAN address acquiring
PPP link local only (unnumbred) confirmed confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed confirmed
SLAAC confirmed vendor vendor vendor vendor confirmed confirmed
DHCPv6 IA_NA - vendor vendor vendor vendor vendor vendor
DHCPv6 IA_PD confirmed confirmed vendor no no confirmed confirmed
Manual addressing on LAN interface no - - confirmed confirmed confirmed confirmed
SLAAC confirmed confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed confirmed
DHCPv6 server no vendor vendor vendor vendor vendor vendor
DHCPv6 prefix delegation no - - - - vendor -
Static routing towards LAN no confirmed - - - confirmed development
Configurable buggy confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed development
Default setting on on on on on off off
DNS resolving
WAN RFC5006 - no - no no - -
WAN DHCP confirmed confirmed no - - - buggy
LAN RFC5006 confirmed no - no no - see notes
LAN DHCP confirmed - - - - - -
Configurable no - - - - confirmed -
6in4 - vendor vendor vendor no confirmed confirmed
6to4 confirmed no vendor vendor no vendor confirmed
Teredo - no no no no - vendor
SIXXS confirmed no no no no - no
6RD - no no no no - vendor
WebGUI buggy confirmed vendor confirmed no confirmed confirmed
Telnet no confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed no
SSH no confirmed vendor confirmed confirmed confirmed no
SNMP no vendor vendor vendor no confirmed see notes
TR69 vendor vendor vendor no no - see notes
Routing protocols no no RIP announced most most most no


We advise you to always use the latest software. Please also note that the information in this article is just a snapshot of the current status and what might work for others may not work for you.


This is ongoing work coordinated by Marco Hogewoning, Co-chair of the RIPE IPv6 WG. If you have any additional information about the equipment listed in the matrix, please do not hesitate to contact us at labs@ripe.net . You can also leave comments directly under the article.

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About the author

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Mirjam Kühne Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I wrote the articles collected here during my time as community builder of the RIPE NCC and the maintainer and editor of RIPE Labs. I have since taken on a new role serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community. You can reach my new profile via the website link below.

Comments 8

The comments section is closed for articles published more than a year ago. If you'd like to inform us of any issues, please contact us.

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Hi,<br /><br />just wanted to mention, that the AVM 6360 is a DOCSIS 3.0 Device. It has (like 7270 and 7370, soon 7570) IPv6 Support in its offical, stable firmware.

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Hello, we will be launching the gogoCPE in the next couple of weeks. It supports: TSP, DS-lite, DSTM, 6RD and L2TP. We will be calling it a v6 adaptor to differentiate it from a home gateway in the sense that in most cases it provides IPv6 by plugging into the existing home networking equipment rather than replace it. There will be a lot of information at launch but if you are interested you can see what's currently on our website: <a href="http://gogoware.gogo6.com/4105/description.asp?product_id=180" rel="nofollow">http://gogoware.gogo6.com/[&hellip;]/description.asp?product_id=180</a><br />

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Just to clarify some info on the AVM boxes...<br /><br />Problems on PPP + IPv6 + PPPoE seem to be limited to the 7340, the 7390 (retail) should be fine our sources tell us.<br /><br />Regarding the firewall we have to clear up that what is there will work, but configuration options are very limited.

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I'd suggest changing the status colour coding in the matrix. <br />Please consider switching to a &quot;traffic light&quot; colour scheme, <br />which would be MUCH more intuitive to readers. <br /><br />Confirmed --&gt; Green, <br />Claimed, but not confirmed --&gt; Yellow, <br />Broken --&gt; Red, <br />Missing --&gt; Grey (as it is now).<br /><br />:-)

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Thanks for the suggestion. We are working on a detailed survey that will be distributed shortly. Based on the responses we will redo the matrix. We will then also look at the colour scheme.

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Miriam/Marco, I really recommend to take in consideration some vendors more in order to enlarge and try to fit better we can, market scenario and technologies working in field. Available for any information, rgds Matteo

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The Cisco Linksys E4200, E3200, E2500, and E1500 routers need to be added since they support IPv6 with an upcoming firmware update

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Probably the matrix should more specific about Cisco (IOS vs. Linksys etc.) boxes and the IPv6 support. Cisco 850 series (<a href="http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/routers/ps380/ps6195/product_data_sheet0900aecd8028a9a9.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.cisco.com/[&hellip;]/product_data_sheet0900aecd8028a9a9.html</a>) does not support IPv6 at all, one needs to purchase a more advanced 870 series model to get IOS image that support IPv6.