Mirjam Kühne

Networks with IPv6 - One Year Later

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Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Emile Aben

5 min read

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One year after we released the interactive graph to show the percentage of ASes announcing IPv6 prefixes, we looked at the progress made since then.

Over a year ago, we developed an interactive graph showing the percentage of IPv6 enabled networks over time (starting in 2004). More precisely, it showed the percentage of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that announced one or more IPv6 prefixes in the global routing table. This tool was initially described in Interesting Graph - Networks with IPv6 Over Time on RIPE Labs.

Back when this article was posted, the percentage of ASes announcing one or more IPv6 prefixes in the five Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions were approximately:

  • APNIC 10%
  • RIPE NCC 8.5%
  • LACNIC 8.5%
  • AfriNIC 6%
  • ARIN 5%.

Now more than a year later, we looked at the progress since then. In the image below you can see the current status in all regions (NOTE: When you click on the images it will bring you to the most up to date version of the graphs).

Figure 1: Percentage of IPv6 enabled networks in all RIR regions

The percentage of IPv6 enabled networks has increased in all regions. In the APNIC region close to 17% of all ASes announce one or more IPv6 prefixes, in the LacNIC and the RIPE NCC region between14 and 15%, in the AfriNIC 11.5% and in the ARIN region almost 10% of all networks are IPv6 enabled.

Now, the percentage of ASes announcing one or more IPv6 prefixes in the RIR regions are approximately:

  • APNIC 17%
  • LACNIC 15%
  • RIPE NCC15%
  • AfriNIC 12%
  • ARIN 10%.

It is interesting to note that the graphs for most regions show some flattening after a rather steep increase earlier last year (around the time the IANA allocated the last IPv4 address space to the RIRs).

We then looked closer at the countries with the highest IPv6 penetration at the AS-level worldwide. In order to show comparable countries, we filtered out those countries with less then 50 ASes. The top 6 countries worldwide are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Percentage of IPv6 enabled networks in the top 6 countries worldwide

A year ago, the Netherlands showed the highest percentage of IPv6 enabled networks with 31% and it is still growing strongly (now at 41%). But it has now clearly been surpassed by Norway which made a huge leap over the last year and especially since November 2011 and is now showing almost 50% of ASes in the country announce one or more IPv6 prefixes. It would be interesting to find out what caused this increase of IPv6 deployment in the country.

Note that 7 out of the top 10 countries are located in the RIPE NCC service region. It is also interesting that all Scandinavian countries are among the top 10 European countries and the top 12 worldwide.

Country % of IPv6 Enabled ASes Number of ASes
Norway 48.9% 135
Netherlands 42.0% 445
Malaysia 38.5% 96
Japan 31.8% 550
Sweden 31.3% 383
Germany 30.3% 1125
Belgium 29.9% 137
Ireland 28.7% 101
Finland 28.2% 142
Singapore 28.0% 164
New Zealand 27.9% 219
Denmark 27.7% 173
Switzerland 26.8% 418
Austria 25.8% 330
Portugal 24.5% 53
France 22.2% 580
Taiwan 22.0% 118
South Africa 21.6% 125
Slovenia 21.1% 227
Hong Kong 20.1% 278

Table 1: Top 20 countries showing highest IPv6 penetration at the AS level

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About the author

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Mirjam Kühne Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I wrote the articles collected here during my time as community builder of the RIPE NCC and the maintainer and editor of RIPE Labs. I have since taken on a new role serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community. You can reach my new profile via the website link below.

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how do you map AS numbers to countries?

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Mirjam Kühne

Hi Gerd, the methodology is described on http://v6asns.ripe.net below the graph. If you have any aditional questions, please let us know. Mirjam

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thanks for that. I think I need to do some polishing of my own routing table pictures :-) (I currently have the "total number of ASes in the IPv6 routing table" but not "per-RIR" or "per-country"). Good to know that the stats files are "accurate enough".

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Jan Zorz

In Norway, probably IPv6 summits and events, organized by Torgeir, Ragnar, Linda and other people from Norwegian IPv6 Forum - they did some really good job, I can tell you from first hand experience :) They are up for another IPv6 event in April in Oslo. http://ipv6forum.no/ Jan

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Ragnar Anfinsen

What Jan said... ;) Jokes aside. We have been working for a while with both the industry and the regulators, raising awareness amongst LIR's. It is truly joyful to see the results for the work we have done for the last year and a half. Ragnar

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Ragnar Anfinsen

Just looked quickly at the dates where the Norwegian graph had some leaps, and they correspond nicely with the following: 2010-11: Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority first national meeting. 2011-05: IPv6 Forum Norway's first IPv6 Summit. Announced 2011-04. 2011-11: IPv6 Forum Norway's second IPv6 Summit. It will be exiting to see if anything happens after april, the third IPv6 Forum IPv6 Summit. Ragnar

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So the US is below the 20th place?

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Emile Aben

US is 46 out of the 62 countries that have more then 50 ASes

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The U.S. is still benefitting from the fact of controlling the largest blocks of IPv4 address space to begin with.

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Daniel Karrenberg

Be aware that this particular statistic has the bias of a relative measurement of widely varying populations. In order to change by 10% Norway needs 14 ASes to change while Germany needs 113 ASes to change. Also it is important to note that this says nothing about actual usage of IPv6 or how widely IPv6 is actually available. The statistic is interesting and relevant, but as always be aware of how it is derived.