Suzanne Taylor

New RIPEstat Webpages

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Suzanne Taylor

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We've revamped the RIPEstat webpages to make it easier to find the information you're looking for. We've added more information about the different available interfaces and data sources, expanded the FAQ, included a roadmap that details current development, focused on data analyses, made a complete widget list and more.

As the RIPE NCC's new Chief Information Officer, Kaveh Ranjbar, recently shared with the community , the RIPE NCC is looking at integrating all of its various interfaces for accessing the data we make publicly available into one interface: RIPEstat.

With plans for RIPEstat to evolve into the single, consolidated point of access for all of our different data sets, we decided it was a good opportunity to update and revamp the RIPEstat webpages , which are now integrated into the RIPE NCC's website. We hope you'll find the new layout and additional features useful.

New Features

Design and navigation

The look of the RIPEstat web interface is much more integrated into the rest of the RIPE NCC's style and will allow users to more seamlessly transition from one area to another on the RIPE NCC's website at .

RIPEstat new website RIPEstat's website has a new, more integrated design and more efficient layout

Different topics are also now grouped under three main areas:

  • About RIPEstat - Learn all about what RIPEstat is and how to use it
  • Documentation - Find useful tools for making the most of RIPEstat
  • Use Cases - See interesting data analyses about network events and broader global Internet statistics

Quick links on the right-hand side menu also help users find some of the most sought-after information, such as finding abuse information and contacting us to give us your feedback.

Widget list

You can now get a complete list of all the available widgets RIPEstat offers. The list also details which query types are supported by which widgets (e.g. IP addresses, ASNs, country codes, hostnames) and gives an example of results for each query type in each widget.

widget list The widget list gives an at-a-glance view of which widgets give information about different resources


Data sources

In an ongoing effort to be as clear and transparent as possible, we've made it easier to understand which data sources we use for which purposes.

Top queries

Interested in what other RIPEstat users are searching for? RIPEstat users can now get an overview of the most popular queries of the main RIPEstat query box from the last hour, day and month.



We've expanded the FAQ with more general information about what RIPEstat is and how it works, along with information about access statistics. Of course as new questions come up, we'll continue to add new answers.

Use cases

RIPEstat can provide more than results for one-off queries about IP prefixes, ASNs, country codes and hostnames. Users interested in big picture trends can also use RIPEstat for a number of use cases, including:

  • Notable Network Events - Get reports about real-world events, such as Internet outages
  • Compare Results - Use this tool to compare results for different resources across different widgets (or different resources across the same widget) side-by-side at the same time
  • Looking for Abuse Information - Find out how to search for abuse contacts if you're the victim of network abuse, such as spamming or hacking
  • Global Internet Statistics - See statistics about more than individual resources in the RIPE NCC service region, such as the total number of IPv4 delegations

Interfaces & APIs

We've made RIPEstat's different interfaces and APIs easier to find on a dedicated Interfaces & APIs page , which includes explanations about and links to the:

  • Web-based interface
  • Individual widgets
  • Data API
  • Text Service
  • Mobile app


As always, we want to hear from you! You can offer feedback on RIPEstat anytime through one of our dedicated channels:

  • The Measurement Analysis and Tools (MAT) Working Group mailing list allows for more in-depth discussions
  • Private feedback can be sent to stat [at] ripe [dot] net
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About the author

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Suzanne Taylor is a Public Policy & Internet Governance Consultant. In her work with the RIPE NCC, she has engaged with a broad range of Internet stakeholders including the RIPE NCC membership, governments, law enforcement and intergovernmental organisations. From 2012 to 2016, she worked in communications at the RIPE NCC and has previously worked as a journalist and in media relations and science communications.

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