The RIPE NCC uses a ticketing system that keeps track of all communication we have with the outside world.
The origins of our current system go as far back as 1994. The structure of the Registry Identifier and ticket number described in ripe-183 will look familiar to many of you.
Over the last few months we've been on a long journey towards a brand new ticketing system, Zendesk. The implications of this change will have a bigger impact on us and our processes than it will have for you. You can still contact us in the same ways that you are used to. However, it does put us in a position to streamline and secure several processes, many of which have been implemented already.
For example, you no longer submit resource or transfer requests through email, requiring you to edit a template and attach supporting files. Dedicated forms were created for all these processes, and supporting files are uploaded securely to our systems.
Because Zendesk is a cloud-based system, we are now extending the document management workflow to all of our processes. This means you cannot and should not send us any sensitive or confidential documents via email, but only upload them via a secure webpage available to all users that are associated with an LIR. You will be able to do this using the enhanced 'My Tickets' functionality, which will be introduced shortly.
Over the course of several weeks, we will be making small changes to accommodate our new ticketing system, ranging from additional functionality in 'My Tickets' to a new contact form on the main website. You will also notice a reduction of the (very) large amount of email addresses you can contact us with, making it easier to understand which one to use for a specific purpose.
If during any of these changes you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Comments 9
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ipv6 fan •
Does it support IPv6?
frinnst •
No AAAA records for atleast - sad
ipv6-fanboy •
fredrik@hypnotoad:~$ host has address Not their main website atleast - pathetic
Geert Jan de Groot •
Actually, there was a ticket system before the hostmaster one mentioned in the article - I remember having used 'req' (remember that one? ) at least in 1993. But that was for technical matters, not for hostmaster matters - they had more complex requirements. It is too bad that we keep accepting service from non IPv6-capable suppliers. Like security, it simply should be a must-have in the selection process...
Alex Band •
When the ticketing system product selection was done, of course IPv6 and security were on the list of criteria. IPv6 support was in the must-have column for a long time, but it competes with other requirements. Of course we could have insisted on IPv6 support, but then we would have ended up with a product that simply doesn't fulfil all the other needs of our users and customers. Let's hope ZenDesk adds IPv6 support soon, we have certainly voiced this to them.
Janos Zsako •
If I understand correctly, the lack of IPv6 affects only the RIPE NCC, as the LIRs and other parties will use RIPE NCC's (IPv6 capable) website to create tickects and upload documents. Also, the e-mail replies will be sent to the NCC, who accept mail over IPv6. Did I misunderstand something?
Alex Band •
That’s spot on Janos.
Aleksey Bulgakov •
Hello. What if I make the request via my email, registered in the LIR contacts like I did it earlier? Will the NCC receive this request? I did it on Tuesday. but haven't got reply and cannot find this request in the ticket list in my account, but got the message from the NCC bot.
Matt Parker •
I'm pleased to report that all of our email support channels remain valid and continue to generate tickets with our support teams! The email confirmation that you received includes the ticket number (with the format #12345). You can reply directly to the email if you have further questions or comments to add to the request.