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Babak Farrokhi




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About the author

Babak Farrokhi is a Computer Scientist and Researcher with over 20 years of experience in UNIX Systems and Networking. His expertise includes IP Networking, BGP, DNS, Internet Performance, System Scalability and Network Security. He provides consulting services and develops products and services related to his expertise.

Is Your ISP Hijacking Your DNS Traffic?

Operator Level DNS Hijacking

3 min read

Following my recent research on DNS hijacking and the cases I have personally observed, I wondered whether this is a common practice among the operators. With the help of RIPE Atlas, I started to think of a solution to figure out whether such practice is widespread in other areas of the world.

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K-root Reachability in the Middle East and Central Asia

K-root Reachability in the Middle East and Central Asia

6 min read

There are about 600 DNS root server instances deployed around the world. But does everyone have an equal level of access to a root server in their region? Are they fairly distributed? Do all major (and country level) network operators recognise the value in deploying (or peering with) a root server…

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A Tale of Using Public DNS Servers in Iran — Part 1

A Tale of Using Public DNS Servers in Iran — Part 2

8 min read

This is the second part in a series of articles looking at the use of DNS servers in Iran. For the second part I will continue measuring performance and reachability for two more sets of DNS resolvers: TIC and Verisign.

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A Tale of Using Public DNS Servers in Iran — Part 1

A Tale of Using Public DNS Servers in Iran — Part 1

4 min read

While most Internet users are not aware of the importance of DNS resolution in their overall web browsing experience, they often complain about shortage of bandwidth when experiencing sluggish Internet connectivity. It is no surprise that most of the service providers also ignore this fact by re…

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