RIPE NCC Access, a system which enables single sign on for RIPE NCC services, has been enabled in RIPEstat. The introduction of RIPE NCC Access allows us to offer more functionality tailored to your preferences.
RIPEstat has been added to our single sign on system, called RIPE NCC Access . By including RIPEstat in the sign on service, we will be able to provide more customisation options in RIPEstat. Of course it is still possible to access RIPEstat anonymously, but when using RIPEstat while logged in to RIPE NCC Access, you'll be able to access many new features.
RIPE NCC Access features in RIPEstat
If you are already logged in when you access RIPEstat, you will see a welcome notice in the top right corner, similar to the one shown in Figure 1. If you are not logged in, you will see an option to log in in place of the welcome message.
The personalisation of the order of the widgets--and which widgets are displayed--is now linked to RIPE NCC Access instead of a browser session. This allows us to preserve your preferences and provide the same view each time you visit RIPEstat. Figure 2 shows the Result Boxes list when you are logged in with RIPE NCC Access. Someone who is not logged in will see the same listing, but without the option to customise (instead of 'customise', the link reads 'Sign in to customise').
We've also added a 'restore to defaults' option to the customisation view of the Result Boxes listing so that you can return to the default appearance of RIPEstat if you are no longer satisfied with your personal settings (as shown in Figure 3).
Another place where you can see the effect of RIPE NCC Access is when you leave a comment. If you are logged in, your name will be automatically added and your comment will be published immediately. Comments which are made by users who are not logged in are published after moderation.
Planned Features
We plan to continue to offer more personalisation options now that we are able to identify users beyond the duration of a session. One of the first features we want to roll out is an update to the Your latest queries box to provide a search history which can be browsed and cleared. We will also be looking at other ways we can make use of RIPE NCC Access to offer customised RIPEstat content, such as providing our members with greater information about their own resources.
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