Monitoring BGP Anomalies on the Internet
• 5 min read
There are many flavours of BGP hijacks, misconfigurations or outdated implementations. Here are some examples and tips how to verify your announcements.
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Martin Winter is a technical lead and cofounder of the Network Device Education Foundation and he works on the side for Hurricane Electric Internet Services as a Researcher on the RT-BGP (Real-Time BGP) Toolkit. His research interests include routing protocols, platforms, networked systems, and software engineering as well as OpenSourceRouting, a non-profit project to improve FRR. Winter received a BS in computer science from Brugg-Windisch HTL. He is chair of the Open Source Working Group in RIPE. Contact him at mwinter@netdef.org.
• 5 min read
There are many flavours of BGP hijacks, misconfigurations or outdated implementations. Here are some examples and tips how to verify your announcements.
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