Mirjam Kühne

RIPE Atlas: Scientific Papers

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Mirjam Kühne

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Academic researchers use RIPE Atlas data to investigate a number of topics, from Path MTU black hole detection to packet delay.

A researcher at Jacobs University uses RIPE Atlas and SamKnows to measure IPv6 and access network performance.

August 2016

Anycast vs. DDoS: Evaluating the November 2015 Root DNS Event

Researchers at SIDN, the University of Twente and the USC/Information Sciences Institute use RIPE Atlas data to examine how DNS root name servers respond to DDoS attacks.

May 2016

Quantifying interference between measurements on the RIPE Atlas platform

Researchers at ETH Zürich and Internet Initiative Japan examined the effect of multiple users running concurrent measurements using the RIPE Atlas platform.

August 2015

Lessons Learned from Using the RIPE Atlas Platform for Measurement Research

Researchers at Jacobs University Bremen review RIPE Atlas' strengths and weaknesses, including suggestions for future improvements, and demonstrate how performance measurement platforms can benefit from each other with two example use cases.

July 2015

Visualization and Monitoring for the Identification and Analysis of DNS Issues

RIPE Atlas developers explain how DNSMON, a RIPE NCC service based on RIPE Atlas data, can be used to measure and compare the availability and responsiveness of key name servers in the DNS system. 

June 2015

A Survey on Internet Performance Measurement Platforms and Related Standardization Efforts

Researchers at Jacobs University Bremen compare several dozen measurement platforms, including RIPE Atlas, based on their coverage, scale, lifetime, deployed metrics and measurement tools, architecture and overall research impact.


Global Network Interference Detection Over the RIPE Atlas Network

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Karlstad University examine RIPE Atlas' use as an effective censorship measurement platform, using it to investigate blocking events in Turkey and Russia.

June 2014

Detecting routing anomalies with RIPE Atlas

A University of Amsterdam student explores using RIPE Atlas to detect three types of routing anomalies: debogon filtering, Internet censorship and BGP prefix hijacking.

April 2014

Generating a Function for Network Delay

Researchers at Samara State Aerospace University and the Southern Federal University, Russia, use RIPE Atlas and other measurement platforms to determine that an exponential distribution can be used to describe network delay for small periods of 10 to 30 minutes.

March 2015

A Study on Traceroute Potentiality in Revealing the Internet AS-level Topology

Researchers from the University of Pisa and IIT-CNR analyse five traceroute infrastructures and look at the complex economic dynamics that underlie the Internet.


Discovering Path MTU black holes on the Internet using RIPE Atlas

Two University of Amsterdam students use RIPE Atlas for Path MTU black hole detection as part of their master’s research.


Generating Function For Network Delay

Samara State Aerospace University researchers use RIPE Atlas to investigate the correspondence between experimental data for packet delay and two theoretical types of distribution.


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About the author

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Mirjam Kühne Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I wrote the articles collected here during my time as community builder of the RIPE NCC and the maintainer and editor of RIPE Labs. I have since taken on a new role serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community. You can reach my new profile via the website link below.

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