Our first ever distributed hackathon is underway simultaneously in Delft, Dublin, Geneva, Padova, Paris, and Sarajevo. Here's what's been happening.
Day One
The Quantum Internet is (almost) here! Teams in our six nodes are taking on the challenges of creating applications
While there is no shortage of ideas, here are some projects that caused a stir:
- The OpenSSL challenge is being tackled by two teams - one in Paris and one in Delft.
- Quantum Cheques and LepreChoins? Paris and Dublin both talk quantum cash.. we'll have to wait till they're done to see if they've struck gold.
- And then we have the gamers - a quantum version of Guitar Hero is taking shape in Padova, while a Paris team takes on the Magic Square game with a web interface.
Thank you Pierre Emmanuel Emeriau for this map showing all the connected nodes
One of the more common challenges participants are facing is adapting Simulaqron to what their project needs. Another challenge is the task of moving a theoretically valid protocol from theory into practice.
The teams at the nodes came together via a videolink once in the morning for a kick-off, and again in the afternoon to share their projects and experiences. While we're not giving out any prizes, (really)... the prize for most enthusiasm on the video link would go to Padova, and the prize for most people in yellow hackathon t-shirts would go to Paris. Although the video call wrapped up early, the chances are most of our participants will burn midnight oil to see who can make a quantum leap forward by the end of tomorrow.
And as the teams across locations roll up their sleeves and get down to work, there's an overall spirit of good cheer - the quantum puns are flying (yes it's possible from the same joke to be cool and lame at the same time).
The Nodes at Work
At work in Delft
Dublin concentrates on quantum coins
Sarajevo gets Simulaqron running
Paris takes on a quantum challenge, powered by stroopwafels
The teams at The Port, Geneva get on the video link
Padova shares its enthusiasm and a great group photo!
Some Acknowledgements
It's not easy to get teams from across countries to come together. The organising teams in each venue have worked hard to make this event come together, and all of it has been made possible thanks to the support from the Quantum Internet Alliance.*
*This project (QIA) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820445.
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Hi from PARIS, It was the first Pan-European-Hackaton (6 countries) in the Quantum Technology Domain (Telecommunications) and it was soooo interesting, so great, so fun and so beautiful. Thanks to all the organizers and to RIPE-NCC to have be implied in this historic event, thank you very much ! Amar M. PS: Now, I'm in a quantum state called "superposition"; happy and sad !