Geoff Huston

Counting DNSSEC

Geoff Huston

34 min read

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It is possible to measure how well we are doing with DNSSEC? How many of the DNS resolvers will now perform DNSSEC validation of a domain name? How many of the Internet's user population are using these DNSSEC-validating resolvers? In this article we will explore a way to answer these questions, and provide some measures that describe which countries are well advanced in their use of DNSSEC deployment, and which are falling behind.


At the Nordunet 2012 conference in September, a presentation included the assertion that "more than 80% of domains could use DNSSEC if they so chose." This is an interesting claim that speaks to a very rapid rise in the deployment of DNSSEC in recent years, and it raises many questions about the overall status of DNSSEC deployment in today's Internet. While the effort to secure the operation of the DNS dates back for more than 10 years (See earlier articles on DNSSEC in August , September and October 2006, and an update in June 2010), the recent impetus for DNSSEC adoption came from the acknowledgement of vulnerabilities in the DNS with the widespread publication of a viable form of attack on DNS resolvers (the " Kaminsky DNS attack ", reported in 2008), and DNSSEC-signed DNS root zone, which commenced on 15 July 2010. The question now is: how is all this playing out in the world of the DNS? How many DNS zones are DNSSEC-signed? To what extent are Internet user's able to trust in the integrity of DNS name resolution? How many Internet users use DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation?

There are certainly a number of very positive individual stories about the extent of DNSSEC adoption. In a recent announcement the operator of the Netherlands ccTLD reported more than 1 million DNSSEC-signed domain name delegations, which is reported to make .nl the TLD with the most signed delegations. On a more general level we are aware at in September 2012 some 64 country code Top Level Domains (ccTLD) are DNSSEC-signed, as are many of the generic TLDS (gTLDs) including .com, .net and .org.

But are there some more general questions about the adoption of DNSSEC that we could answer by various forms of direct measurement across the entirety of the Internet? Perhaps if we could undertake a measurement exercise that could answer some, or even all, of the following questions, then we'd have a better idea as to the extent to which DNSSEC is available and being used in today's Internet:

  • How many zones are DNSSEC signed?
  • How many DNS queries are DNSSEC-validated?
  • How many DNS resolvers are DNSSEC-capable?
  • How many users are using DNSSEC-aware DNS resolvers?

Of course answering these questions is not necessarily easy. Lets look at each of these questions and see if it is feasible to undertake a measurement exercise that could provide an answer.

How many zones are DNSSEC signed?

While individual DNS zone operators may be able to infer amount of DNSSEC use in their local zone, through registration of the DS resource records (RRs), compiling the total picture across all zones is challenging. Zone walking across many domains has not been possible for many years, so to assemble the picture of the totality of the DNS name universe and then count the population of the subset that uses DNSSEC is not really an easy question to answer at the level of the entire namespace of the DNS.

How many DNS queries are DNSSEC-validated?

Again, the problem lies in trying the get a sufficiently broad view of the world. The authoritative name servers for some of the more popular gTLDs and the larger ccTLDs may be able to provide some sample data that would be indicative of the total picture, but if you are not an operator of such a zone this is a tough question to answer. Equally the operator of a recursive DNS resolver, or a DNS Forwarder, for a large population of end user clients could provide direct information about the resolver's clients, but that does not generally extrapolate to a more general picture.

How many DNS resolvers are DNSSEC-capable?

Again this is a difficult question to answer, due to the challenge involved in trying to discover all the DNS resolvers out there, and then generating the conditions that would expose their capability to perform a DNSSEC validation.

How many users are using DNSSEC-aware DNS resolvers?

Again this is a difficult question to answer, due to the challenge involved in trying to get all users to perform a DNS resolution that would allow a data collector to collate all these attempts and produce a picture for the entire internet.

If these questions appear to be challenging, then perhaps it is worth looking around to see if there are meaningful questions could we answer about DNSSEC deployment? If we relax the constraint a little bit and talk about proportions rather than absolute counts, then maybe we could look at ways to generate answers. In this article I will describe an approach we've already used in a number of different contexts , and see if we can provide answers to three basic questions about the state of DNSSEC use in the Internet today:

  • What proportion of DNS resolvers are DNSSEC-capable?
  • What proportion of users are using DNSSEC-validating DNS resolvers?
  • Where are these users?

These are questions that relate to end users and the integrity of the service that is delivered to end users, rather than about domain zones per se. In other words, these are questions about the use of DNSSEC as distinct from questions about the extent to which domains are DNSSEC signed. In economic terms you could say that we are looking at the demand side and not at the supply side of DNSSEC.

Measurement Technique

This exercise used an online advertisement delivery system as a means of enrolling end user systems to perform a simple DNSSEC capability experiment. Many online ad systems support dynamic content, and in this case Flash coding was used with the advertisement content to perform the necessary dynamic support for the measurement exercise. We configured the ad to generate two unique URLs and get the user's browser to perform a GET.

The URLs are of the form:

The 's' and 'u' fields are dynamically generated, and are unique for each user that is presented with an impression of the ad. The combination of these two fields creates an identifier string, which is mapped in to the domain name used to perform the individual retrieval tests. This means that every client will generate a query for resolution of a unique DNS name, so that the caching of the outcome of the DNS query for one instance of this experiment will not carry forward to subsequent end hosts that have been inducted to perform the experiment, even if they may use the same DNS resolver. This configuration implies that for every instance of the experiment that is executed by the end host the authoritative server for the experiment's DNS zone will see a DNS query for resource records for this form of DNS name, and we also expect to see a WEB fetch query for the two URLs that are the measurement experiment.

In this experiment we have used two subdomains, both of which are DNSSEC signed, and each zone consists of a single wildcard, as shown in the following zone configuration file for one of these zones, as shown in Figure 1 (Obviously, the served zone includes the addition of the DNSSEC signature records – the unsigned zone is shown here for simplicity).

  $TTL 3h
   @  IN  SOA  ns1.<signed domain>.net. (2012091202 3600 900 1 1 )
      IN  NS  ns1.<signed domain>.net.
      IN  NS  ns2.<signed domain>.net.
      IN  DNSKEY 256 3 5 AwEAAdluSaSH7dPBLmwhihWeo8hY3avgKndK11kqI…
      IN  DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAdoBfmR/NI/1+7jZwngA6PdcdEPVBpx1UjARtX…
   *  IN  A

Figure 1 – A Test Zone Configuration

The only difference between the two subdomains lies in the DNSSEC configuration. In the case of one subdomain the DS records are correctly recorded, while in the case of the other subdomain the DS records are deliberately altered. The intended consequence is that DNSSEC validation of domain names in one subdomain will succeed, while DNSSEC validation in the other subdomain will fail.

The authoritative name server for the DNSSEC-signed domains, the nameserver for the two subdomains, the web server and a packet capture process have all been placed on a single platform, allowing the complete set of client transactions that involve DNS name resolution and the subsequent fetch of the web object to be recorded at a single point.

The next step is to enroll a large number of clients from all over the Internet to fetch these two URLs. When the advertisement is shown on a client system as part of the impression of the ad, the dynamic code in the ad generates a unique identifier and the code uses this identifier to construct a URL in each of the two subdomain. The code will then trigger the client to attempt to load these two objects, which, in turn will trigger DNS resolution of these two DNS names. The code will then report back, via a final URL fetch, the success or failure to load the two objects, and the time taken to load each object. All this will occur at the time of the presentation of the ad to the user, and does not require the user's intervention to click on the ad in order to trigger the test sequence.

Analyzing the Logs

The next step is to assemble the information from the various logs into a coherent data set. This is an example of the logs from the local DNS authoritative name server when a DNSSEC-validating resolver generates queries for the experiment:

  15:50:27.130 queries: client 68.x.y.z#62436 (
     query: IN A –ED

   15:50:27.327 queries: client 68.x.y.z#45855 ( query: IN DS -ED

   15:50:27.523 queries: client 68.x.y.z#45824 ( query: IN DNSKEY –ED

   15:50:27.720 queries: client 68.x.y.z#47318 ( query: IN DNSKEY -ED

This sequence of four DNS queries shows the initial query for an IPv4 address for the experiment "u1675001815.s134789342". What follows are three DNS queries that are generated as part of DNSSEC validation process. The resolver queries the local authoritative server for the DS records of the delegated subdomain, and the DNSKEY of the subdomain. The client then queries for the DNSKEY of the domain and it will have queried the .net servers for the corresponding DS records.

  15:50:28.277 queries: client 68.x.y.z#27401 (
    query: IN A -ED

15:50:28.474 queries: client 68.x.y.z#49311 ( query: IN DS -ED

15:50:28.670 queries: client 68.x.y.z#17438 ( query: IN DNSKEY -ED

Here the client queries for the address, and then queries for the DS and DNSKEY records of the subdomain. It does not re-query for the DNSKEY record of the signed domain as it will have cached the response from the previous query.

Following DNS resolution the client will then perform the object fetch. We can then see the subsequent web log entries for the same instance of the experiment:

  15:50:28 "GET /crossdomain.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 684 1347893428

15:50:28 "GET /1x1.png?t10000.u1675001815.s1347893426.i767.v6022.d HTTP/1.1" 200 157 1347893428

15:50:37 "GET /1x1.png?t10000.u1675001815.s1347893426.i767.v6022&r=zd-1473.ze-null. HTTP/1.1" 200
    157 1347893437

The client fetches three objects. The first is the "crossdomain.xml" object, to establish permission for fetch objects from a third party domain. The second is the object in the validating subdomain (experiment d, in the domain ""). The third is the summary report back from the user, where the inclusion of "zd-1473" shows that the client took 1.473 seconds to perform the fetch of the object that had a valid DNSSEC chain. The inclusion of the string "ze-null" shows that the client did not retrieve the object in the subdomain "". (This is expected for a DNSSEC-validating resolver, as this is configured with mismatching DS records to cause DNSSEC validation to fail.)

The inference to be drawn from the logs of this instance of the test is that this client is using a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver, as the resolver fetched the DNSKEY records, and the client did not attempt to fetch the object that was identified with the DNSSEC-invalid domain name.

DNSSEC-Validating Resolvers

This DNSSEC test was active from the 10th to the 17th September 2012.

In that period we recorded 57,268 unique IP addresses querying for A records in the subdomains of the DNSSEC-signed domain name. In other words we observed some 57,268 discrete DNS resolvers.

We also counted the number of unique DNS resolvers that also queried for the DNSKEY RR of the subdomains. Some 2,316 of these resolvers also make this DNSKEY query. Based of this data we can offer an answer to the first of the DNSSEC measurement questions:

What proportion of DNS resolvers are DNSSEC-capable?

2,316 out of 57,267, or 4.0% of the DNS resolvers were observed to perform DNSSEC validation

We also correlated the number of unique experiment identifiers that each resolver queried, and then matched these identifiers with client IP addresses as recorded in the web logs. From this information we were able to calculate the number of distinct client hosts that used each DNS resolver. IN the course of this exercise we noted a significant number of resolvers that were used by 1 or 2 unique clients, and looked at the DNSSEC capabilities of these "small" resolvers, and the corresponding DNSSEC capabilities of the remainder of the resolvers.

There were 40,446 resolvers used by only 1 or 2 unique clients, of which 1,136 were seen to pull the DNSKEY RRs for the subdomains. This results in a proportion of 2.8% of "small" resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation.

There were 16,822 resolvers used by 3 or more unique clients, of which 1,180 were seen to retrieve the DNSKEY RRs. This results in a proportion of 7.0% of "large" resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation.

We can also look at the location of these DNS resolvers in terns of the country in which they are located. The Regional Internet Registries all regularly publish address allocation summary reports that include a mapping of IP address to country code. This allows us to map the IP address of the DNS resolver to a country where the address has been associated from the RIRs' reports. There are a large number of resolvers used by just 1 or 2 client systems, and a smaller number of resolvers used in some form of infrastructure mode where many clients use the same resolver. It appears reasonable to weight each resolver's DNSSEC validating capability by the number of unique clients seen who use that resolver, and use the DNSSC validating resolver weighted count as a percentage of the total weighted resolver draft for each country. From this data we can color a map of the world with the amount of DNSSEC-validating resolvers in each country, as show in Figure 2, below. (The data used to generate this map can be found at The 10 countries with the highest levels of weighted DNSSEC resolvers are shown in Table 1. It should be noted that while the experiment covered some 750,000 individual experiments, the distribution of the clients who executed this test was not uniformly spread across all countries. The level of uncertainty in the per country data varies according to the number of test that were performed by clients in each of these countries.

Figure 2: Proportion of Resolvers that Perform DNSSEC Validation by country (weighted by the number of clients who use each resolver)

Rank # Resolvers Avg

Clients /

Weighted %


1 3 3 88.89% Greenland
2 27 4 77.78% Antigua and Barbuda
3 337 5 73.73% Sweden
4 15 1 72.22% Iran
5 8 30 63.22% Libya
6 705 3 53.65% Czech Republic
7 135 12 52.53% Slovenia
8 11 9 52.04% Equatorial Guinea
9 13350 9 48.57% United States of America
10 177 6 47.08% Finland

Table 1 – Ranking of 10 Countries with the highest DNSSEC Resolver capability

Finally, what about the very largest of these DNS resolvers? The following table lists these largest resolvers and their ability to perform DNSSEC validation. Of the largest 25 individual resolvers we saw in this exercise just 1 set of these resolvers that undertook DNSSEC validation, located in AS 15169, operates by Google.

DNSSEC? Client

AS AS Name,Country
DNSSEC 47973 AS15169 GOOGLE - Google Inc., United States of America
no 45990 AS4766 KIXS-AS-KR Korea Telecom, Republic of Korea
no 34213 AS3462 HINET Data Communication Business Group, Taiwan
no 28452 AS3786 LGDACOM LG DACOM Corporation, Republic of Korea
no 25949 AS9318 HANARO-AS Hanaro Telecom Inc., Republic of Korea
no 21020 AS6799 OTENET-GR (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation), Greece
no 16379 AS5384 Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, United Arab Emirates
no 16201 AS45595 PKTELECOM-AS-PK Pakistan Telecom Company Limited, Pakistan
no 16179 AS4134 CHINANET-BACKBONE, China
no 15321 AS25019 SAUDINETSTC-AS SaudiNet, Saudi Arabia
no 11881 AS16880 TRENDMICRO Global IDC and Backbone of Trend Micro, Japan
no 10665 AS4788 TMNET-AS-AP TM Net, Malaysia
no 9595 AS8452 TE-AS TE-AS, Egypt
no 9536 AS3356 LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications, United States of America
no 9232 AS4837 CHINA169-BACKBONE CNCGROUP China169 Backbone, China
no 9210 AS9829 BSNL-NIB National Internet Backbone, India
no 8105 AS15169 GOOGLE - Google Inc., United States of America
no 7632 AS8781 QA-ISP Qatar Telecom (Qtel) Q.S.C., Qatar
no 7533 AS6830 LGI-UPC UPC Broadband Holding B.V., Romania
no 7428 AS24560 Bharti Airtel Ltd. Telemedia Services, India
no 7330 AS4713 OCN NTT Communications Corporation, Japan
no 7196 AS24863 LINKdotNET-AS, Egypt
no 7176 AS36692 OPENDNS - OpenDNS, United States of America
no 6941 AS6866 CYTA-NETWORK Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Cyprus
no 6898 AS6713 IAM-AS, Morocco

Table 2 – Ranking of 25 Largest DNS Resolvers by their DNSSEC Resolver capability

The full list of the resolvers' DNSSEC capability, per originating AS number can be found at .

It seems that only one DNS service provider, Google, is currently providing DNSSEC validation services to their users from the very largest of the resolver set. At the same time, of the set of resolvers with 1 or 2 clients the number is also low. It would appear that DNSSEC validation is being configured on the mid-sized set of DNS resolvers from this data.

Counting Clients

Let's now turn our attention from the resolvers to those clients who use these resolvers, and look at the clients and DNSSEC The web logs allow us to link the resolvers' DNSSEC capability to individual end host systems. This allows us to derive a measurement of the level of coverage of DNSSEC validation capability for end users.

What proportion of users are using DNSSEC-validating DNS resolvers?

269,560 out of 770,934, or 9.0% of the end host systems were observed to perform DNSSEC validation.

The final query relates to the location of the users. for this experiment we used the mapping of IP address to country codes as published by the RIRs and were able to map users to countries.

Where are these users?

Of the 207 unique country codes that were seen in this experiment, some 136 countries contributed 100 or more experiments. The 25 countries with the highest proportion of DNSSEC use is shown in the following table:

Country %-users DNSSEC

Hosts GDP per

Libya 73% 242 330 $14,100
Sweden 62% 820 1307 $40,900
Czech Republic 56% 1331 2348 $27,400
Slovenia 53% 839 1555 $29,000
Occupied Palestinian Territory 53% 568 1056
Azerbaijan 49% 760 1522 $10,300
Djibouti 46% 84 181 $ 2,700
Algeria 46% 1510 3268 $ 7,400
Zambia 43% 154 355 $ 1,600
Luxembourg 43% 138 320 $81,100
Brunei Darussalam 42% 92 219 $50,000
Ireland 41% 807 1958 $40,100
Angola 40% 66 162 $ 6,000
Nicaragua 40% 61 152 $ 3,200
Finland 37% 141 375 $36,700
Turkey 34% 1793 5150 $14,700
Guam 34% 47 137
Kyrgyzstan 32% 43 133 $ 2,400
Vietnam 29% 1003 3371 $ 3,400
Chile 29% 845 2903 $17,400
Dominica 29% 163 562 $14,000
Belarus 28% 352 1215 $15,200
Uganda 28% 181 635 $ 1,300
South Africa 28% 737 2621 $11,100
Indonesia 26% 3633 13921 $ 4,700

Table 3 – Ranking of 25 Countries with the highest DNSSEC client use

What is somewhat surprising here is the variance of these countries in terms of GDP per capita. It is evident that the deployment of DNSSEC is not based on the richer economies, nor in those countries with the longest experience in operating Internet services, but we observe a mix of certain developed, developing and least developed economies providing DNSSEC validation services to their client base.

The other end of the spectrum, those economies with the lowest proportion of DNSSEC validation coverage is show below:

Country %-users DNSSEC

Hosts GDP per

Costa Rica 2.52% 6 238 $12,100
Uruguay 2.49% 27 1084 $15,300
Georgia 2.45% 36 1472 $ 5,600
Botswana 2.42% 9 372 $16,200
Jordan 2.36% 50 2118 $ 6,000
Saudi Arabia 2.33% 376 16169 $24,500
Croatia 2.30% 117 5077 $18,400
France 2.30% 336 14625 $35,600
Austria 2.18% 177 8113 $42,400
Spain 2.15% 176 8168 $31,000
Netherlands Antilles 2.11% 3 142
Oman 2.08% 36 1732 $26,900
Cyprus 2.03% 165 8137 $29,400
Republic of Korea 1.89% 1469 77571 $32,100
Mauritius 1.86% 16 859 $15,100
Greece 1.72% 562 32649 $26,600
Kuwait 1.70% 40 2359 $42,200
Macao Special Administrative Region of China 1.56% 11 706 $33,000
El Salvador 1.56% 7 450 $ 7,600
Trinidad and Tobago 1.56% 7 450 $20,300
Dominican Republic 1.46% 20 1369 $ 9,400
United Arab Emirates 0.79% 114 14374 $48,800
Mexico 0.69% 43 6274 $14,800
Qatar 0.51% 37 7263 $104,300
Mongolia 0.47% 1 212 $44,800

Table 4 – Ranking of 25 Countries with the lowest DNSSEC client use

Again the same mix of developed and developing economies is evident and a similar mix of mature Internet infrastructure and more recent infrastructure deployment is evident here as well.

Once again is it possible to feed this data into a map of the world and paint each country with a color that denotes the level of coverage of DNSSEC. This is shown in Figure 3. (The data used to generate this map can be found at )

Figure 3: Proportion of Users that use DNSSEC-Validating Resolvers by country

Rather than by country it is also possible to generate the list of DNSSEC-using clients by originating AS. Using a filter of obtaining a minimum of 50 tested clients per originating AS, we obtain the following table of the 20 AS's that have the highest proportion of DNSSEC-using clients.




AS Name, Country
1 AS44143 100% 67 67 VIPMOBILE-AS Vip mobile d.o.o., Serbia
2 AS31343 99% 121 122 INTERTELECOM Intertelecom Ltd, Ukraine
3 AS198471 98% 73 74 Italy
4 AS44034 98% 121 123 HI3G Hi3G Access AB, Sweden
5 AS12849 97% 79 81 HOTNET-IL Hot-Net internet services Ltd., Israel
6 AS7657 96% 575 593 VODAFONE-NZ-NGN-AS Vodafone NZ Ltd., New Zealand
7 AS12912 96% 186 192 ERA Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa S.A., Poland
8 AS48161 96% 335 347 NG-AS SC NextGen Communications SRL, Romania
9 AS22047 96% 800 832 VTR BANDA ANCHA S.A., Chile
10 AS34779 95% 292 305 T-2-AS set propagated by T-2, Slovenia
11 AS8473 95% 57 60 BAHNHOF Bahnhof Internet AB, Sweden
12 AS29562 95% 228 240 KABELBW-ASN Kabel BW GmbH, Germany
13 AS20776 94% 67 71 OUTREMER-AS Outremer Telecom, France
14 AS5713 93% 533 568 SAIX-NET, South Africa
15 AS5603 93% 478 511 SIOL-NET Telekom Slovenije d.d., Slovenia
16 AS38511 93% 133 143 TACHYON-AS-ID PT Remala Abadi, Indonesia
17 AS8767 92% 53 57 MNET-AS M-net, Germany
18 AS34170 91% 205 223 AZTELEKOM Azerbaijan Telecomunication, Azerbaijan
19 AS5610 91% 732 799 Telefonica Czech Republic,Czech Rep.
20 AS1759 91% 229 250 TSF-IP-CORE TeliaSonera Finland IP Network, Finland

Table 5 – Ranking of 20 ASs with the highest DNSSEC client use

The complete set of data of DNSSEC use by hosts per originating AS can be found at .


Where are we with DNSSEC? The good news is that some 9% of the Internet user base appears to be configured with DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation. This is a very encouraging outcome.

On the other hand the very largest of the DNS resolvers, operating as infrastructure servers for the largest of the networks, generally do not perform DNSSEC, with the singularly notable exception of Google's Public DNS Resolver service . Across much of the "mature" Internet infrastructure we do not observe much DNSSEC outside of user's who have configured to operate with Google's Public DNS.

We'll return to look at the state of DNSSEC deployment in a few months time, to see what has changed and what has not.

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About the author

Geoff Huston AM is the Chief Scientist at APNIC, where he undertakes research on topics associated with Internet infrastructure, IP technologies, and address distribution policies. From 1995 to 2005, Geoff was the Chief Internet Scientist at Telstra, where he provided a leading role in the construction and further development of Telstra's Internet service offerings, both in Australia and as part of Telstra's global operations. Prior to Telstra, Mr Huston worked at the Australian National University, where he led the initial construction of the Internet in Australia in the late 1980s as the Technical Manager of the Australian Academic and Research Network. He has authored a number of books dealing with IP technology, as well as numerous papers and columns. He was a member of the Internet Architecture Board from 1999 until 2005 and served as its Executive Director from 2001 to 2005. He is an active member of the Internet Engineering Task Force, where he currently chairs two Working Groups. He served on the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society from 1992 until 2001 and served a term as Chair of the Board in 1999. He has served on the Board of the Public Internet Registry and also on the Executive Council of APNIC. He chaired the Internet Engineering and Planning Group from 1992 until 2005.

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