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Maciej Korczynski

Based in France




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About the author

Maciej Korczynski is an associate professor at Grenoble Alpes University in France. His main research interests include Internet-wide passive and active security measurements, incident data analysis, vulnerability noti cations, the economics of cybersecurity, and security of Internet protocols, in particular DNS.

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Zeros Are Heroes: NSEC3 Parameter Settings in the Wild

7 min read

Hashed authenticated denial of existence appeared back in 2008 to prevent DNS zone walking. Since then, best practices have changed and were updated in RFC 9276. This article examines how the current landscape of authoritative name servers and resolvers complies with these recommendations.

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ccTLD Phishing Characterisation

10 min read

Phishing attacks are, to this day, one of the most widespread and effective means of getting access to sensitive and financial data. A new study from the team from SIDN Labs combines more than 28,000 phishing domain names in a bid to improve detection and mitigation policies.

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Extended DNS Errors: Unlocking the Full Potential of DNS Troubleshooting

7 min read

The Domain Name System (DNS) has traditionally relied on response codes to signal anomalies, but they are of little help to precisely identify the root causes behind failures. In this article, we examine the new Extended DNS Errors (EDE) mechanism that provides extra feedback on DNS resolutions.

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SAV: Why Is Source Address Validation Still a Problem?

13 min read

Despite being a known vulnerability for at least 25 years, source IP address spoofing remains a popular attack method for redirection, amplification and anonymity. Preventing these attacks requires that operators implement Source Address Validation (SAV) to ensure their networks filter packets with…

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Intercept and Inject: DNS Response Manipulation in the Wild

6 min read

In November 2021, Internet users from Mexico lost access to and By the time the event was reported, the underlying problem had already gone unnoticed for quite some time. Here, we present key takeaways from our analysis of the event - carried out with RIPE Atlas - and we …

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Inferring the Deployment of Inbound Source Address Validation Using DNS Resolvers

Inferring the Deployment of Inbound Source Address Validation Using DNS Resolvers

6 min read

Source Address Validation (SAV) is the best current practice (BCP 38/RFC 2827) aimed at filtering packets based on source IP addresses at the network edge. In this article, we show how to identify networks that do not deploy SAV for incoming traffic.

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