
Giovane Moura

Based in Arnhem, The Netherlands




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About the author

Giovane is a Data Scientist with SIDN Labs (.nl registry) and a Assistant Professor at TU Delft, in the Netherlands. He works on security and Internet measurements research projects. You can reach him at

ccTLD Phishing Characterisation

ccTLD Phishing Characterisation

10 min read

Phishing attacks are, to this day, one of the most widespread and effective means of getting access to sensitive and financial data. A new study from the team from SIDN Labs combines more than 28,000 phishing domain names in a bid to improve detection and mitigation policies.

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NTP Pool - The Internet Timekeeper

NTP Pool - The Internet Timekeeper

12 min read

The NTP Pool is a network of volunteer-run servers providing time synchronisation services to millions of computers over the Internet using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). But how does it map clients to NTP servers? And why are some clients more equal than others? The team at SIDN Labs investigate…

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Vulnerability Disclosure: A First-Hand View

Vulnerability Disclosure: A First-Hand View

9 min read

If exploited, the tsuNAME vulnerability had the potential to overwhelm and bring down authoritative servers, rendering entire DNS zones unreachable. In this article, the SIDN Labs team shares lessons learned along the winding road to public vulnerability disclosure for tsuNAME.

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E-gov DNS: Are They Redundant Enough?

E-gov DNS: Are They Redundant Enough?

7 min read

Electronic government (e-gov) lets citizens interact with their government via the Internet. The DNS, which maps e-gov domain names to Internet addresses, underpins e-gov. Working with the University of Twente and NCSC-NL, SIDN Labs compare the resiliency and redundancy of e-gov domains for the Net…

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Unpacking RFC 9199: Considerations for Large Authoritative Server Operators

Unpacking RFC 9199: Considerations for Large Authoritative Server Operators

10 min read

RFC 9199 puts forward six considerations for large authoritative DNS server operators each derived from peer-reviewed research. Giovane Moura from SIDN Labs walks us through the list of considerations and the experience he and his co-authors had with the RFC process.

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DNS Vulnerability, Configuration Errors That Can Cause DDoS

DNS Vulnerability, Configuration Errors That Can Cause DDoS

7 min read

Last year we discovered a DNS vulnerability that, combined with a configuration error, can lead to massive DNS traffic surges. Since then, we've studied it carefully, carried out responsible disclosure, helped large operators as Google and Cisco in fixing their services, and submitted an Internet D…

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How Centralised is DNS Traffic Becoming?

How Centralised is DNS Traffic Becoming?

14 min read

There have been growing concerns over the last few years about the excessive concentration of control over the Internet's markets and infrastructure — what is commonly referred to as Internet centralisation. In this article, Giovane Moura talks about how he and his colleagues have been measuring ce…

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