An API for Summarising Events in RIPE Atlas RTT Time Series
• 6 min read
This post describes the result of an internship of a month of integrating an experimental data analysis method into RIPE Atlas.
Based in IMT Atlantique, Brest, France
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I'm a PhD student at IMT Atlantique. My work concerns the optimization of active monitoring in computer networks through statistical modelling and prediction of the QoS.
• 6 min read
This post describes the result of an internship of a month of integrating an experimental data analysis method into RIPE Atlas.
• 10 min read
Statistical characterisation of Round Trip Times (RTT) series is useful for network management. For example, if several paths are available between a source and a destination, say in a routing overlay context, it may be useful to select the path dynamically based on some inference on the current Qu…
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