Mirjam Kühne

RIPE Chair Team Reports: October 2024

Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Niall O'Reilly

5 min read


RIPE 89 is fast approaching and last preparations are in full swing. The RIPE Chair Team reports on agendas, elections, social events, and community matters to be addressed at the meeting. For all this and more on other industry events, read on.


The RIPE Meeting is only a few weeks away and the agenda is filling up nicely. I am looking forward to some interesting talks and discussions. Some Working Groups still have space on their agenda, so please contact the respective WG chairs if you would like to present or bring up a discussion topic.

RIPE 89 Dinner

Also note that you can still set up a Local Hub to participate in the RIPE Meeting remotely together with friends and colleagues.

And of course there will also be plenty of opportunity to socialise and to have fun. Check out the RIPE 89 Social Events.

Online student event

On Monday, 14 October, we will organise another online event aimed at people currently studying in the fields of networking, computer science, Internet governance and other fields relevant to the RIPE community. In this edition, we are putting a spotlight on the Czech Internet community and their remarkable contributions to building a stable, robust and resilient Internet.

Programme Committee

After consensus was reached on the updated charter for the RIPE Programme Committee, the document has been published as ripe-829. The PC also issued some guidelines for presenters, including guidance on the use of generative AI. Please note that there will be elections for new PC members at RIPE 89.

Working groups

The following WGs are looking for new co-chairs:

  • Security (formerly Anti-Abuse)
  • Cooperation
  • Open Source
  • RIPE NCC Services
  • Routing

The call for candidates is still open for the RIPE NCC Services and RIPE Security WGs. But even though the deadlines for candidates for the other WGs listed here have passed, you can still participate in the selection on the mailing list and at the WG sessions during the RIPE meeting.

RIPE Security WG

The Anti-Abuse WG has agreed on a new charter and a new name which was announced earlier this month. RIPE 89 will mark the first meeting of our new RIPE Security Working Group.

Address policy

The discussion phase for the proposal (2024-01) to revise the IPv6 assignment policy has been extended to 22 November 2024. This proposal aims to define End Sites and requirements for “IPv6 PI Assignments” and “Assignments from IPv6 Allocations”, to clarify permitted use cases, and to introduce IPv6 PI issuance at the nibble boundary and new principles for aggregation and registration.

NRO NC elections

Nominations for a seat on the Number Resource Organisation's Number Council (NRO NC) have ben closed. We will hold elections during the RIPE 89 meeting. You can find information about the candidates and the election process on the RIPE 89 website.

Code of Conduct Team - looking for volunteers

As mentioned in our last update, we welcomed two new members to the RIPE Code of Conduct Team. We are always looking for more volunteers for this important community service. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the current team members. You can find more information, including a nominations form on the Code of Conduct page.

RIPE governance

RIPE Chair selection process

The chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board appointed Jan Žorž as chair of the RIPE Nominating Committee 2025 and thereby kicked off the process to select the next RIPE Chair Team. At RIPE 89, a call for volunteers for the NomCom will be issued. For more information on the process, please see the RIPE Chair Selection Process (ripe-787) and the RIPE Nominating Committee (ripe-788).

Relationship between RIPE and the RIPE NCC

As mentioned earlier, we are working on a document that describes the relationship between RIPE and the RIPE NCC and how it evolved over time. A draft document will be out for review shortly so that we can discuss it during the upcoming RIPE 89 meeting.

Consensus building in RIPE

In RIPE, we take most decisions by consensus. That applies to address policy, but also to our governance documents. But how exactly do we do that? We often refer to the IETF and its well defined consensus model. There is now an initiative to describe the RIPE way of building consensus. Watch the BCOP mailing list and the session at RIPE 89 for more information on this topic.

Industry events

Open houses: Since the last update, I participated in two Open House sessions organised by the RIPE NCC - one on Personal AS Numbers and one on Green Tech and Sustainability. Both sessions brought together good speakers, an active group of participants and lively discussions. For those who missed the sessions, you can watch the recording.

Internet in beeld: I was invited to speak at a panel session at an event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Dutch Platform Internet Standards. It was a good opportunity to stress the importance of collaboration and the multistakeholder model in general.

Future industry events

Europol cybersecurity conference: On 16 October, I'll present at this year's Europol conference in The Hague in the session "Perspectives on Investigations Facing E-Governance Challenges”.


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About the author

I studied Computer Science at the TU Berlin, Germany, and have been a member of the RIPE community for over twenty years. Currently I am serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community.

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