Mirjam Kühne

The RIPE Chair Team Reports - February 2024

Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Niall O'Reilly

4 min read

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The RIPE Chair team reports on latest developments and work ahead of the RIPE community in 2024.

I hope you all had a good start of 2024 and are ready for another productive “RIPE year”. Let's jump right in to the latest developments.

New RIPE website

You will have noticed that the RIPE NCC has launched the new website. I'm very pleased to see that the RIPE community pages have a nice identity now and that the new RIPE logo is included on top. We will continue to work with the RIPE NCC to increase the visibility and structure of the community section of the ripe.net website.


Registration for the RIPE 88 meeting in Krakow has been opened and you can already find a lot of interesting information on the website. The Programme Committee issued a call for presentations and you can submit your proposals until 11 March.

Local hubs


After a pilot with local hubs during RIPE 87, we will hopefully have a number of local hubs again during RIPE 88, and this time we'll be looking at ways to get people who choose to attend via the hubs more involved in what's going on at the on-site meeting.

Please note that local hubs depend on the initiative of community members. If you are interested in setting up a local hub during RIPE 88 so that you can participate in the meeting remotely but locally together with other, you can find more information on the RIPE 88 local hubs page.

Community activities

There are a number of ongoing discussions in various working groups:

RIPE DB WG interim session

The RIPE Database working group held an interim session to discuss some of the ongoing numbered work items in some more detail. The session was a well attended and very constructive one, and if you'd would have liked to attend but missed it, you can find the minutes summarising the major outcomes on the DB WG web page. A follow-up and final decision for each item will be confirmed on the mailing list.

RIPE Address Policy WG

Since the discussion on the Address Policy working group mailing list is still ongoing, the WG chairs decided to extend the review phase for policy 2023-04 which was welcomed by participants of the WG. You still have an opportunity to provide your feedback until 15 February.

RIPE Anti-Abuse WG

The Anti-Abuse WG mailing list saw an active discussion about options to encourage abuse desks at network operators and service providers to be better deal with abuse reports. This was brought up before and led to the development of a training course the RIPE NCC developed together with the WG. Could a Best Current Practice document provide additional support for abuse help desks?

Open Source WG

A new initiative has been started on the Open Source WG: The goal is to create a document that describes how an open source software project gives credit for contributions. You can find more information in the Open Source WG mail archives.


After a new member was elected to the Address Council for the ICANN Address Supporting Organisation (ASO AC) during RIPE 87, the ASO AC held an online meeting and met face-to-face in Montevideo late January. The AC members who represent the RIPE community will keep us up to date on the RIPE discussion mailing list.

Industry Events

I attended a Multistakeholder Dialogue initiated by the German Ministry for Digital and Traffic and the IGF Germany in Berlin. This time, the Global Digital Compact (GDC) was the main topic. The ministry gathered input from other stakeholders on how best to represent everyone’s interest during the discussions related to the GDC.

There was broad agreement that the multistakeholder model and the IGF needs to be continued and strengthened and that increased government control could mean the end of a global, free and open Internet.

Future events

Over the next few weeks, I am planning to attend the following events:

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About the author

I studied Computer Science at the TU Berlin, Germany, and have been a member of the RIPE community for over twenty years. Currently I am serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community.

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