Mirjam Kühne

The RIPE Chair Team Reports - September 2024

Mirjam Kühne
Contributors: Niall O'Reilly

5 min read


With RIPE 89 on the horizon, the RIPE Chair team reports on renewed community engagement with law enforcement agencies, conversations about the foundations of the RIR system, and a host of other important topics being weighed up at various community events.

I hope you all had a relaxing break and are ready for an engaging and productive remainder of the year.


Our next RIPE meeting in Prague is approaching fast. We received a great number of high quality submissions. Nevertheless, the Programme Committee extended the call for presentations with a new deadline of 17 September.

RIPE 89 RIPE Labs competition

Working Group chairs also issued calls for agenda items on their respective WG mailing lists. You can register for either onsite or online participation. And you will also find data about the meeting venue, social events and other useful information on the RIPE 89 meeting website.

In the run up to the meeting, remember that the call for nominations for the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) is open until the end of September. You can learn more about the NRO NC and the election process here.

And also good to keep in mind - the RIPE Labs article competition is open until 20 September. The author of the winning article gets a free ticket for RIPE 89 as well as free travel and accommodation to come join us in Prague.

Law enforcement agencies and RIPE

Over the last few months, we saw an renewed interest from Law Enforcement Agencies in the work of RIPE and the RIPE NCC. After getting involved in the discussion around policy proposal 2023-04, there was also a presentation by Europol during the Cooperation WG at the RIPE 88 meeting.

This led to a number of conversations with a representative of Europol and a series of activities, including a webinar and a face-to-face workshop prepared by the RIPE NCC. The focus will be on the use of the RIPE Database and the type of information registered there. We also received an invitation to speak at the Europol Cybersecurity Conference in October. And we expect to see more engagement from Europol staff at RIPE 89.

RIPE Code of Conduct

The RIPE Code of Conduct Team received an appeal related to a decision made after a case was reported to them at RIPE 88. This appeal has been forwarded to the RIPE Chair Team.

On that note, I am happy to report that we welcomed two new members to the RIPE Code of Conduct Team who will start at RIPE 89.

Industry events

APNIC 58 - ICP-2 Panel Session: I was invited to participate remotely in a panel discussion during the APNIC 58 meeting to provide some history and background for the Criteria for Establishment of New Regional Internet Registries (published as ICP-2 by ICANN).

It is interesting to note that those criteria had been originally developed and published as RFC 1366 in October 1992, at this point taking into account the already existing self-organised and functioning structures, most notably the RIPE community and the RIPE NCC which had been created as the secretariat for RIPE earlier in 1992.

APNIC 58 ICP-2 Panel

Africa Internet Summit 2024: I was honoured to be invited again to provide a welcome speech to the community session at the African Internet Summit AIS24. Referring back to RFC1366 again, I focused on the strength of the operators to collaborate and the responsibility of the community to support the RIR system.

INEX Meeting: Niall participated in the INEX meeting in Dublin. In addition to a number of updates from other IXPs, there was an interesting joint RIPE-RIPE NCC talk called “RIPE Community & the RIPE NCC: What You Can Do & Why It Matters”.

Webinar for LEAs: Together with the RIPE NCC, I co-presented a webinar "Internet Registry System for LEAs" to Europol. This will be followed by a face-to-face workshop in October.

RIPE NCC Board Meeting: End of September, I will participate in the RIPE NCC Board meeting #177. This time, the meeting will be accompanied by a media training that I am really looking forward to.

NGI Zero Project Review: I've been asked to be one of the expert reviewers of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Zero Core Programme. This is a grants programme initiated by the European Commission to provide funding to open source and other projects that help maintain a "resilient, trustworthy and open internet". My task did not entail the evaluation of any specific projects (which is done by a consortium led by NLnet). Instead I was to review the status of the project itself, including community outreach and continued success of the grants programme and its management.

Future industry events

Europol Cybersecurity Conference: I'm invited to speak at this year's Europol conference in The Hague in a session called "Perspectives on Investigations Facing E-Governance Challenges”. This is part of a series of activities to further develop our relationship with Europol and other law enforcement agencies.

Internet in Beeld: In October, I will participate in an event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Dutch Platform Internet Standards that brings together - in a true multistakeholder fashion - experts from industry, government, technical organisations, trade organisations and others to promote the deployment of Internet standards.


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About the author

I studied Computer Science at the TU Berlin, Germany, and have been a member of the RIPE community for over twenty years. Currently I am serving as the Chair of the RIPE Community.

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