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Wouter Miltenburg

Based in Amsterdam




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About the author

Ex-intern at the RIPE NCC and a System and Network Engineering student. During the internship at the RIPE NCC I was working on the next-gen RRC (RIS Route Collectors) project. Researched possible alternatives as a replacement of the current RRCs. Developed and deployed a prototype of the new RRCs running this prototype version.

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Overview with ExaBGP

Building The Next Generation RIS Route Collectors

7 min read

This is the second part of a research project investigating the possible replacement of the current Remote Route Collectors (RRC) used for the Routing Information Services (RIS). In the second phase we developed a prototype based on the requirements determined in the first phase. Both parts of …

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Researching Next Generation RIS Route Collectors

Researching Next Generation RIS Route Collectors

12 min read

This project was initiated to research, develop and deploy a prototype that could potentially replace the current Remote Route Collectors (RRCs) and which invokes less delay. It was a graduation project for my bachelor thesis at the HvA (Hogeschool van Amsterdam). This article outlines the possible…

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