
The RIPE Labs Article Competition - RIPE 89

Open until

The RIPE Labs article competition is back again! Have something interesting to say about the past, present, or future state of the Internet? Tell your story on RIPE Labs and win a chance to join us at RIPE 89 this October in Prague, Czechia.

Everything you need to know about the competition, including a more specific list of what we look from the best RIPE Labs articles, is available on the RIPE Labs Competition Rules page.

If you're eligible to enter and you have an idea for an article you’d like to put forward, it's time to get to work. All articles submitted to the competition will go through the usual RIPE Labs review process. When you're ready to send us your entry, just remember to tick the box indicating you'd like this article to be considered for the competition entry before you click to submit it for approval.

We'll stop taking new entries on 20 September 2024 at 23:00 (local Amsterdam time). If you're looking for inspiration, you can see entries from the previous competitions here and here. Good luck!

Assessing the Security of Internet Paths

Assessing the Security of Internet Paths

Shyam Krishna Khadka

9 min read

Although many critical infrastructures (CIs) rely on cloud services (e.g., email) for their daily operations, they typically have limited insight into the security status of the paths their traffic might follow across the Internet to reach their cloud provider’s infrastructures. Can a CI know all t…

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A Multifaceted Look at Starlink Performance - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

A Multifaceted Look at Starlink Performance - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Nitinder Mohan

9 min read

How does Starlink stack up against terrestrial ISPs as a global service? And exactly what factors impact its operations? A new multifaceted active and passive measurement study uncovers the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to Starlink performance.

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Innovative Approaches to Combating SPAM: Lessons from IP Leasing

Innovative Approaches to Combating SPAM: Lessons from IP Leasing

Jolita Puzakova

4 min read

SPAM and abuse remain persistent challenges across various digital platforms, threatening user trust and operational integrity. Jolita Puzakova and colleagues explore how they tackle this persistent threat with a three-fold approach.

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IXP-from-Scratch: Building a New IX

IXP-from-Scratch: Building a New IX

Thomas Liske

5 min read

In this new series "IXP from Scratch", we report about our endeavor of building DD-IX, an Internet Exchange located in the city of Dresden, Germany. DD-IX is driven by a grassroots community that loves contributing to a resilient and efficient Internet. We start with some basic background and will …

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