
The RIPE Labs Article Competition Rules

Alun Davies

6 min read

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Thinking of entering the RIPE Labs Article Competition? Here's everything you need to know!

How to take part

To enter the RIPE Labs competition, submit your article as usual by following the process laid out here and tick the box indicating that you want this article to be considered for the competition.

Your article will go through the usual review process (also outlined here) and, if accepted for publication, will be published on RIPE Labs. At that point, it will also be added to the competition page where readers can see all entries.

Remember to ensure that:

  • The article you submitted for publication is your own original work
  • The information contained in your article is accurate to the best of your knowledge
  • In order to make sure others get credit for their work, and to help our readers get more information, you should provide sources when quoting others or referring to work done by other parties (typically a link to an online source)
  • When using images, videos, or any other media content in their articles, make sure you have permission to use said content for an unlimited duration and without geographical restrictions. (If in doubt, we may ask that you provide evidence that you have been granted permission to use third party content or provide a satisfactory reason why permission is not required.)

For more information, see the RIPE Labs content guidelines section on this page.

Who can take part

RIPE is open to everyone, and we want the RIPE Labs Article competition to be as open as possible too.

That said, in order to keep the competition fair, RIPE NCC staff and staff from the other RIRs are not eligible to enter the competition.

Competition dates for RIPE Labs Article Competition - RIPE 89

The competition is open until 23:00 on 13 September 2024 (Amsterdam local time). You must submit your article by that time if you wish to enter.

Note that articles published since the close of the previous RIPE Labs competition (6 April 2024) can be entered into the competition.

What kinds of articles do we accept?

On RIPE Labs, we welcome articles on all topics that are of specific interest to the people who help operate the Internet. The kinds of things we like to see on RIPE Labs include:

  • Articles offering useful insights and analyses from network operators and other experts in the field
  • Articles exploring current Internet-related research
  • First looks at useful new tools for measuring and developing the Internet
  • Insightful stories about the history and/or development of the Internet in different parts of the world
  • Informed commentaries on how the Internet is changing and where it might be headed in the future

If you have something interesting to say that ties in somehow with any of the above, enter the RIPE Labs Article Competition! And if you’re unsure whether an idea you have would be a good fit for RIPE Labs, feel free to contact the RIPE Labs editor.

Selection process

The winning article and runners up will be chosen by panel.

Articles will be rewarded for their originality, level of insight, and how useful and interesting they are to the Internet community. In the case of a close decision, in the spirit of encouraging new people to publish on RIPE Labs and get involved with the RIPE community, preference may be given to first time RIPE Labs authors and/or those who’ve never had chance to engage with the community at a RIPE Meeting.

The final decision will be announced on RIPE Labs at the end of September.


First prize

The author of the article selected as winner by the panel will get a free trip to the next RIPE Meeting. Full details of the prize are as follows:

  • RIPE Meeting ticket
    The winner will be able to register for the RIPE Meeting for free. That includes access to all social events through the week of the meeting.
  • Travel expenses
    The RIPE NCC will arrange economy flight tickets to and from the winner’s chosen departure location to the location of the Meeting.
  • Hotel accommodation
    The RIPE NCC will arrange accommodation for the winner for the duration of the Meeting. (Please note: accommodation booked by the winner without consulting the RIPE NCC may not be reimbursed by the RIPE NCC.)
  • RIPE Dinner ticket
    The RIPE Dinner takes place on the Thursday evening during the meeting.
  • Help towards other costs
    The RIPE NCC will reimburse other costs associated with travelling to the location of the meeting. These include:
    • Visa costs (if applicable)
    • Travel insurance (up to 30 EUR)
    • Fees for any mandatory COVID-19 tests
    • Transport (e.g. taxi or public transport) to and from the airport/station to the accommodation and Meeting location

With regards these 'other costs', the winner will be able to send a request for reimbursement (within two weeks from the last day of the Meeting). The request for reimbursement must include the invoice or receipt of the costs and the IBAN, SWIFT/BIC and full name of the winner as recorded by their bank. The RIPE NCC shall fulfil the payment within one month after receipt of the request for reimbursement.

Runner up

One runner up, also chosen by panel, will get to choose from RIPE Meeting tickets (covering attendance at the meeting and RIPE Dinner, but not travel or accommodation costs) or an Apple watch.

Announcements and social media

The winning articles as well as the articles selected for runner up prizes will be announced on our social media channels (e.g. the RIPE Labs and RIPE NCC Twitter and LinkedIn accounts) and shared at presentations during the RIPE Meeting.

At the RIPE Meeting

Although it is not mandatory, the winner will be invited to submit a lightning talk on the topic of his/her article. The presentation, if accepted by the Programme Committee, would take place during plenary session of the RIPE Meeting.

Note that, as an attendee at the RIPE Meeting, the winner will be expected to comply with the RIPE Code of Conduct.

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About the author

Alun Davies Based in Amsterdam

Hailing from a research background in philosophy, linguistics and computer science, I came to the RIPE NCC back in 2016 and took on the role of RIPE Labs Editor in 2020.

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