
Moritz Müller

Based in Netherlands




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About the author

I'm a research engineer at SIDN, the registry of .nl and a guest researcher at the University of Twente.

Measuring the Impact of DNS Flag Day

Measuring the Impact of DNS Flag Day

10 min read

DNS Flag Day was the result of a collaborative effort and agreement of DNS implementers and DNS resolver operators to commit to no longer providing workarounds for non-standards-compliant authoritative nameservers as of 1 February 2019. In the lead up to DNS Flag Day, and as part of the outreach…

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Making the DNS More Private with QNAME Minimisation

Making the DNS More Private with QNAME Minimisation

10 min read

DNS queries can contain a lot of sensitive information about Internet users. Query name minimisation (qmin) limits the information revealed to what is actually necessary for a DNS name server to answer the query. We did an initial study of qmin deployment and the associated challenges and published…

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