Suzanne Taylor

Coming Soon: RIPE Atlas Hackathon 2015

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Suzanne Taylor

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Calling all developers, designers, network operators, computer science students, and open data enthusiasts - the RIPE NCC is hosting a RIPE Atlas data visualisation hackathon in March 2015, and we want you!

Results of the hackathon are  published in RIPE Labs  article   (u pdated on 10 April 2015)  

This is your chance to get your hands on the large datasets produced by RIPE Atlas , a global Internet measurement network that measures Internet connectivity. Hackathon participants will be challenged to use this open data to develop useful, creative and stunning visualisations for the benefit of the entire Internet community. You'll also have the chance to work alongside and learn from developers, meet others in your field, and exchange knowledge and experience.


Small teams will work with RIPE Atlas developers and can choose to either work on furthering existing ideas developed by the RIPE Atlas team and community, or entirely new visualisations. At the end of the three-day event, we aim to have completed tools or working prototypes for all-new data visualisations.

The hackathon will take place over a three-day period. Friday will include an introduction to RIPE Atlas and the formation of teams. On Saturday and Sunday, participants will work together in teams to further develop their ideas, culminating in short presentations to the jury on Sunday afternoon and a party to announce the winning teams and celebrate everyone's participation. Food and drinks will be provided throughout the three-day event.

All source code developed during the hackathon will be publicly licensed and available on GitHub, and available for the entire community to use.

RIPE Atlas data streaming DNS The DNS data streaming is one recent example of RIPE Atlas data visualisation


Date:  27-29 March 2015

Time: Friday 12:00-18:00, Saturday 9:00-18:00, Sunday 9:00-21:00 (including party)

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands (exact location TBD)


Christian Kaufmann
Measurement, Analysis and Tools (MAT) Working Group Chair

Elizabeth Turner
Data designer, iconomical

Dr. Melanie Rieback
Co-founder/CEO, Radically Open Security

Jason Livingood
Vice President of Internet Services, Comcast

Robert Kisteleki
Research and Development Manager, RIPE NCC

Vesna Manojlovic
Technologia Incognita Hackerspace and Senior Community Builder, RIPE NCC

Wikimedia map Visualising latency maps for Wikimedia sites around the world, based on RIPE Atlas data


The three teams that produce the best results will each receive rewards of €1,500 (to be split among non-RIPE NCC team members), courtesy of Comcast. Winning teams will also be promoted at the RIPE 70 Meeting in Amsterdam in May 2015. And all participants will receive RIPE Atlas t-shirts!


Comcast will provide some travel funding for a number of participants, depending on their financial need, their background and experience, and their reasons for wanting to participate in the hackathon. The organisers and jury will make final decisions about who will be awarded travel funding and how much funding participants will receive.


The deadline for applications is 21 January 2015. The jury will review the applications and will make final selections about successful participants. All applicants will be informed about their application status by 30 January 2015.


Interested in participating? Apply today! It only take a few minutes. And help us spread the word to other developers, designers and network operators who might be interested.

Pattern on Seismograph The seismograph , which displays ping measurements, is another example of a RIPE Atlas data visualisation

Future Events

Is your organisation interested in working with the RIPE NCC on a similar hackathon or other event that could benefit the Internet community? We'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch with us at .

About the Organisers

The RIPE NCC is one of five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) that support the global operation of the Internet. The RIPE NCC is an independent, not-for-profit organisation responsible for distributing and administering Internet number resources for over 10,000 members in Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Central Asia. We support the global Internet community by providing data, expertise and a neutral platform for the exchange of ideas.

RIPE Atlas is a global network of thousands of volunteers around the globe who host probes that measure Internet connectivity and reachability, providing an unprecedented understanding of the state of the Internet in real time. The entire Internet community can access the data collected by the network, as well as Internet maps, graphs and analyses based on the aggregated results. Tools for analysing measurement data is shared on GitHub , and the measurement source code is open and available to everyone. RIPE Atlas is coordinated by the RIPE NCC.

Comcast , our hackathon sponsor, has supported the distribution of hundreds of RIPE Atlas probes in a wide range of networks in North America and hosts two of the fifteen U.S.-based RIPE Atlas anchors . Comcast also sponsors other events that are run "for the good of the Internet", such as IETF meetings and the North America Operators' Group (NANOG).We are grateful for their generous support of the RIPE Atlas hackathon.

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About the author

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Suzanne Taylor is a Public Policy & Internet Governance Consultant. In her work with the RIPE NCC, she has engaged with a broad range of Internet stakeholders including the RIPE NCC membership, governments, law enforcement and intergovernmental organisations. From 2012 to 2016, she worked in communications at the RIPE NCC and has previously worked as a journalist and in media relations and science communications.

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