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Tom Vest




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Industry Comparison 2: The Internet and the Financial Industry

Industry Comparison 2: The Internet and the Financial Industry

15 min read

This is the third in a series of articles about the structure of the ISP industry within the RIPE NCC service region. This time we compare the distribution of RIPE NCC IPv4 addresses to the distribution of reserve assets across banks and financial institutions that report to the European Central Ba…

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How Does the Internet Industry Compare?

How Does the Internet Industry Compare?

8 min read

Second in a series of articles about the structure of the ISP industry within the RIPE NCC service region. This time we try to identify criteria that make other economic sectors comparable to our own industry. We then test our assumptions by exploring a very simple comparison to the global automoti…

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Interesting Graphs - IPv4 Concentration|Diffusion 2.0.1

Interesting Graphs - IPv4 Concentration|Diffusion 2.0.1

11 min read

It is often claimed that the ISP industry is concentrated and the bulk of the address space is in the hands of a small number of organisations. Is this really the case and what does that mean for the composition of the whole industry? Is it open for new businesses or controlled by a few?

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