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Willem Toorop




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About the author

Willem Toorop is a developer and researcher at NLnet Labs. NLnet Labs is a non-profit research lab dedicated to the development of Open Source software and open standards for the benefit of the Internet. NLnet Labs mission is to provide globally recognized innovations and expertise for those technologies that turn a network of networks into an Open Internet for All. At NLnet Labs, Willem's topics of interest are end-user security and privacy. Willem has actively researched how DNSSEC may be hampered for end-users and looked into strategies to overcome such roadblocks. The results of this research are incorporated in the getdns resolver library and its associates stub resolver Stubby. Besides his work on getdns and Stubby, Willem is also the primary maintainer and developer of the other NLnet Labs DNS libraries: ldns and Net::DNS.

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Measuring the Impact of DNS Flag Day

Measuring the Impact of DNS Flag Day

10 min read

DNS Flag Day was the result of a collaborative effort and agreement of DNS implementers and DNS resolver operators to commit to no longer providing workarounds for non-standards-compliant authoritative nameservers as of 1 February 2019. In the lead up to DNS Flag Day, and as part of the outreach…

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Hackathon @ Africa Internet Summit 2019

Hackathon @ Africa Internet Summit 2019

8 min read

The ISOC African regional bureau has been organising hackathons at the last three editions of the Africa Internet Summit. This year we were given the opportunity to lead a track there at: "Measuring DNS and DoH". This is a report on the event and it's valuable and contributory outcome.

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Sunrise DNS-over-TLS! Sunset DNSSEC?

Sunrise DNS-over-TLS! Sunset DNSSEC?

11 min read

Is DNSSEC still needed when you get your DNS over TLS? DNSSEC's original design goals could also be met in a future DoT-only world. However, DNSSEC's aspirations have moved on with DANE. Unfortunately DNSSEC and DANE are hardly ever available at end-user devices. DoT brings liable delivery of DNS, …

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