Alun Davies

Next Five Sponsored RIPE Atlas Anchors

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Alun Davies

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The second phase of the RIPE NCC’s campaign to sponsor 15 RIPE Atlas anchors has been completed, with another five anchor hosts selected for sponsorship. We want to tell you about the new anchor hosts and also take a look at some related developments here at the RIPE NCC.

As we discussed in our previous update, the initial phase of the RIPE NCC's campaign to sponsor fifteen RIPE Atlas anchors went exactly according to plan. Thanks to our new hosts, four of the sponsored anchors are already online! The campaign is already taking RIPE Atlas anchors to places they've never gone before.

Turning to the next five anchors to be sponsored by the RIPE NCC, we can now confirm that the following have all been selected as hosts:

  • Redpill Linpro – Oslo, Norway
  • FORTH_ICS – Heraklion, Greece
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Arnes – Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • OMAN Research and Education Network – Muscat, Oman

Like last time, we picked hosts based on a several different factors (e.g. location; whether they are a not-for-profit organisation; etc). Given the success of the campaign so far, we ought to be ready to make an announcement about the last five in about three months time. So watch this space!

Please note that applicants who’ve not yet been selected are still in with a chance to receive one of the five remaining sponsored anchors! Given the high quality of the applications received so far, many will be saved for consideration in future rounds of the selection process. And of course, we still look forward to receiving more applications over the coming months.

Apply to Host a Sponsored RIPE Atlas Anchor


RIPE Atlas Anchors: Version Three

As announced during RIPE 74, we're pushing forward with plans for the next generation of anchor hardware. We've received useful advice and input from the RIPE community on this topic and we're currently in the process of testing candidate devices. There are a number of factors to be taken into account, such as cost, space requirements, distribution, and various other logistical issues. We aim to announce our decision by the end of the summer. 

Alongside this, support for the first generation of RIPE Atlas anchors is coming to an end. Many hosts have made the upgrade to the v2 hardware, with some even going one step further by opting to put their old v1 anchors to use as K-root nodes. Now, with only a handful of v1 anchors still in circulation, we expect to have the decommissioning process wrapped up also by the end of the summer.

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About the author

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Alun Davies Based in Amsterdam

Hailing from a research background in philosophy, linguistics and computer science, I came to the RIPE NCC back in 2016 and took on the role of RIPE Labs Editor in 2020.

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