
Chris Buckridge

Based in Amsterdam




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About the author

Chris Buckridge is an independent consultant on Internet governance and digital policy. He currently serves as a member of the UN Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (IGF MAG) and the ICANN Board of Directors. From 2006-2023, he was an employee of the RIPE NCC, and prior to that of APNIC.

WSIS+10: What Was All The Fuss About?

WSIS+10: What Was All The Fuss About?

6 min read

So the WSIS+10 (the United Nations General Assembly’s ten-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society) is done. A process that has been the source of much fretting in Internet governance circles over the past few years has delivered its outcome. And the result? Actually it’s pretty g…

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RIPE Community Impressions of IGF 2014

RIPE Community Impressions of IGF 2014

10 min read

The ninth annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) ran from 1-5 September in Istanbul, Turkey, attracting nearly 2,500 participants on-site and more than 1,000 online to participate in wide-ranging Internet governance discussions. As part of ongoing efforts to ensure a strong technical community voi…

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