Network Operations

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RIPE NCC Measurements for World IPv6 Day

RIPE NCC Measurements for World IPv6 Day

Emile Aben

6 min read

As announced earlier, the RIPE NCC is going to measure World IPv6 Day. This article details the measurements we intend to do.

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Using the ‘Maximum Length’ Option in ROAs

Using the ‘Maximum Length’ Option in ROAs

Alex Band

4 min read

In the resource certification system you specify your routing policy via Route Origin Authorization (ROA) objects. One of the options you can set is the ‘Maximum Length’, which specifies the maximum length of an IP address prefix that the AS is authorised to advertise. In this article we will analy…

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Resource Certification Web Validator Released

Resource Certification Web Validator Released

Alex Band

3 min read

We have just released the RIPE NCC Resource Certification Web Validator. It will allow you to validate a Route Origin Authorisation (ROA) file against the RIPE NCC Trust Anchor through a web form, either online or locally.

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Resource Certification Statistics

Resource Certification Statistics

Alex Band

5 min read

Since we started providing the certification service on 1 January 2011, many LIRs made use of the service. In this article you can see some graphs showing the number of certificates in place today, as well as certified address space.

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Unsolicited Internet Traffic from Libya

Unsolicited Internet Traffic from Libya

Emile Aben

7 min read

Amidst the recent political unrest in the Middle East, researchers have observed significant changes in Internet traffic and connectivity. In this article we tap into a previously unused source of data: unsolicited Internet traffic arriving from Libya. The traffic data we captured shows distinct c…

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6to4 - Why is it so Bad?

6to4 - Why is it so Bad?

Emile Aben

8 min read

In a previous article we measured that a large percentage of 6to4 connections fail. In this article we show our attempts to find out why these connections fail.

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Ensuring Registry Data Quality

Ensuring Registry Data Quality

Xavier Le Bris

6 min read

In order to ensure accurate and up to date registration data, the RIPE NCC started the Registry Data Quality project in 2009. The article below describes this activity and the problems we found and how we fixed them.

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Network Complexity and How to Deal with it

Network Complexity and How to Deal with it

Michael Behringer

5 min read

This article, prompted by a panel discussion at the RIPE 61 Meeting, describes the most significant implications of network complexity and suggests ways to deal with it. This is a topic that requires more work and a lot of input from network operators. We hope you’ll work with us to advance this su…

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First Impressions of Pollution in Two RIPE NCC Darknets

First Impressions of Pollution in Two RIPE NCC Darknets

9 min read

We partnered with several Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), including the RIPE NCC, to examine what traffic is going to unallocated IP address ranges. In this particular case, we looked at traffic going to 5/8 and 37/8.

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Three Case Studies on the Egyptian Disconnection

Three Case Studies on the Egyptian Disconnection

Claudio Squarcella

5 min read

Roma Tre University presents three analyses related to the recent events in Egypt, proving interesting behavior in relation to the observed disconnection. We use tools like BGPlay and iBGPlay, developed for the visualisation of BGP dynamics.

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