Matthias is a full professor and holds the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden. He is also a Research Fellow of the Barkhausen Institut. His research and teaching focus is on efficient, reliable, and secure Internet communication. This includes the design and evaluation of networking protocols and architectures, as well as Internet measurements and analysis. His efforts are driven by the hope of improving Internet communication based on sound research. He is actively involved in the IETF since 2005 and co-founded some successful open source projects such as RIOT ( and RTRlib ( Matthias is a member of the Advisory Board of BCIX, the Berlin Internet Exchange Point, and INSO, the Internet Namespace Security Observatory supported by the Internet Society (ISOC), and a co-founder of DD-IX, the Dresden Internet Exchange.
Choice of communication tools is not usually a topic for RIPE community engineers. This article is aimed at not-so-technical audiences who might need help and support from their IT colleagues during these difficult times.
The RPKI Browser is a graphical user interface to the objects of the distributed RPKI repository. The development is at very early stage. In this article, we ask for external input in terms of use cases, features etc.
In the second of our “IXP from Scratch” series, we introduce network and security design decisions as well as implementations we made at DD-IX, an Internet Exchange in Dresden, Germany. In principle, an IX consists of a single broadcast domain, but in practice it has to operate several services sec…
In this new series "IXP from Scratch", we report about our endeavor of building DD-IX, an Internet Exchange located in the city of Dresden, Germany. DD-IX is driven by a grassroots community that loves contributing to a resilient and efficient Internet. We start with some basic background and will …
BGP Route Flap Damping (RFD) is recommended to suppress BGP churn. Default RFD configurations in routers have been shown to be harmful. Current configuration recommendations by the IETF and RIPE, however, are based on a study from 2010 which focused on IPv4 only. This article presents our recent me…
BGP Route Flap Damping (RFD) and its use has been a controversial topic in the past. Recommendations have been revised multiple times over the past two decades and still differ from vendor default values. In this article we dive into how we measured Route Flap Damping in the real-world, uncover whi…
Large Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a major threat not only to end systems but also to the Internet infrastructure as a whole. Remote Triggered Black Hole filtering (RTBH) has been established as a tool to mitigate inter-domain DDoS attacks. The idea is simple: Signal special BG…
The number of Resource Certificates and ROAs is steadily growing, especially in the RIPE NCC service region. However, it remains unclear how widely BGP speakers on the Internet are actually using route origin validation (ROV) to drop or de-preference invalid announcements.