Network Operations

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Inter-Domain Routing Security: Deployment and Expectations

Inter-Domain Routing Security: Deployment and Expectations

Mirjam Kühne

7 min read

This artlce looks at the results of a recent survey that was conducted to find out which network security methods are currently in place and how operators are preparing for the introduction of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). As part of the study, we also conducted interviews with a numbe…

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IPv6 RIPEness

IPv6 RIPEness

Mirjam Kühne

3 min read

Please find below a list of all articles related to the IPv6 RIPEness study showing how IPv6 is deployed by country, based on four different criteria.

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Interesting Graph - AS Path Lengths Over Time

Interesting Graph - AS Path Lengths Over Time

Mirjam Kühne

4 min read

One way to determine the denseness of the Internet, or its “interconnectedness”, is to look at the path length between Autonomous Systems (ASes). And are there any differences visible when looking at IPv4 or IPv6 networks? See our findings in this article.

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IPv6 Crawler and Matrix

IPv6 Crawler and Matrix

Mirjam Kühne

5 min read

Olivier Crepin-Leblond from the Internet Society chapter in England is announcing the results of a tool they designed and implemented. It is an “IPv6 crawler" that crawls through the DNS to detect IPv6 compliant servers. The results were interesting and can be viewed on an "IPv6 Matrix" showing IP…

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IPv6 CPE Surveys

IPv6 CPE Surveys

Mirjam Kühne

1 min read

Please find below all previous versions of the IPv6 CPE survey and matrix with the most recent version on top.

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New Release of the Resource Certification System

New Release of the Resource Certification System

Alex Band

2 min read

We are proud to announce a new release of the RIPE NCC Resource Certification system. We are gearing up for the production release on 1 January 2011 and have implemented some critical changes and new features.

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Visibility of Prefix Lengths in IPv4 and IPv6

Visibility of Prefix Lengths in IPv4 and IPv6

Devin Bayer

6 min read

In this article we explore the relation between global network visibility as seen by the Routing Information Service (RIS) and the length of announced prefixes.

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Interesting Graph - IPv4 Unassigned

Interesting Graph - IPv4 Unassigned

Mirjam Kühne

4 min read

With the IPv4 address space nearing its end, we are closely monitoring the number of address not yet assigned or allocated. See below one way of measuring them.

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Background Radiation in IPv6

Background Radiation in IPv6

Mirjam Kühne

17 min read

Geoff Huston investigated to what extent the IPv6 Internet is polluted by "background radiation". Find below some interesting results and observations.

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BGP Route Origin Validation - A follow-up

BGP Route Origin Validation - A follow-up

David Murray

2 min read

In July 2010 we looked at the effects of BGP route origin validation on mis-announcements and hijackings. In the meantime, we did some research based on comments and questions received by the community. The findings are described in this follow-up article.

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