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Paola Grosso: Defining a Responsible Internet

Paola Grosso: Defining a Responsible Internet

Alun Davies

2 min read

For many, the Internet is essentially a black box. We connect with other endpoints to send and receive data, but we have little insight into what happens in between. Dr Paola Grosso talks about how CATRIN seeks to provide more visibility and control so we can make more responsible decisions on how …

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From Academia to Internet: Pioneers of EARN, NSFNET and RIPE

From Academia to Internet: Pioneers of EARN, NSFNET and RIPE

Anastasiya Pak

2 min read

In this episode of the RIPE Labs podcast, three Internet pioneers talk about how they helped grow the Internet out of its early infancy, back when its purpose - and much of the excitement around its development - lay in the promise of connecting researchers from around the world.

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Bert Hubert: Internet Privacy and the Cost of Losing Control

Bert Hubert: Internet Privacy and the Cost of Losing Control

Alun Davies

2 min read

Internet users, the companies who sell us our devices, and governments are all caught up in the struggle for online privacy. In this episode, Bert Hubert explains how outsourcing and other market forces determine the flow of control over personal data and why we need to understand the consequences.

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Geoff Huston: Starlink and the Future of Low-Orbit Internet

Geoff Huston: Starlink and the Future of Low-Orbit Internet

Anastasiya Pak

1 min read

Starlink's megaconstellations deliver broadband Internet to customers around the globe. But while the tech promises to democratise Internet access, it's not always clear how existing protocols and regulations apply beyond the clouds. In this episode, Geoff Huston talks about the future of low-orbit…

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Qasim Lone: Something's Wrong on the Internet

Qasim Lone: Something's Wrong on the Internet

Alun Davies

2 min read

The Internet is hardly foolproof in its design, and whether by accident or on purpose, the people who use and operate it sometimes don't do things they should or do do things they shouldn't. Qasim Lone talks about strange goings on he's investigated and how RIPE Atlas can help researchers in the fi…

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André Grilo: Ready or Not - Rethinking Cybersecurity for a Post-Quantum World

André Grilo: Ready or Not - Rethinking Cybersecurity for a Post-Quantum World

Anastasiya Pak

1 min read

Quantum technologies promise all kinds of fascinating possibilities, but they also come with risks. In this episode, André Grilo, founder and CEO of QuantumNova, talks about why we need to start investing in post-quantum cryptography to protect ourselves against post-quantum threats.

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Jim Cowie: The Historical Record of the Internet

Jim Cowie: The Historical Record of the Internet

Alun Davies

2 min read

Understanding outages and shutdowns and how the Internet as a whole came to be vulnerable to - but also resilient against - these kinds of events requires more than a snapshot of things as they are today. In this episode, Jim Cowie talks about how historical measurement data can help us acquire a b…

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Wim Vanderbauwhede: Frugal Computing for a Sustainable Internet

Wim Vanderbauwhede: Frugal Computing for a Sustainable Internet

Anastasiya Pak

2 min read

Professor Wim Vanderbauwhede - lead of the Low Carbon and Sustainable Computing activity at the School of Computing Science of the University of Glasgow - talks to us about the carbon footprint of the ICT industry, misleading narratives around digitalisation, and why the notion of frugal computing …

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Louis Pétiniaud: Mapping the Geopolitical Internet

Louis Pétiniaud: Mapping the Geopolitical Internet

Alun Davies

2 min read

Mapping the dialectical relationship between the Internet and rivalries of power and influence across territories calls on expertise from a variety of disciplines. On the RIPE Labs Podcast, Louis Pétiniaud discusses how he and colleagues at GEODE are investigating the geopolitical Internet.

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Christian Kaufmann: To Serve the Board

Christian Kaufmann: To Serve the Board

Anastasiya Pak

2 min read

What it means to serve as a RIPE NCC Executive Board member has changed dramatically in the 12 years since Christian Kaufmann first took on the role. With recent years having seen organisational change, the pandemic, sanctions and war - the board is increasingly called upon to make decisions that i…

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