Vesna Manojlovic

IXP Tools Hackathon Results

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Vesna Manojlovic

6 min read

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The fourth RIPE NCC Hackathon was as fun and productive as the previous three, with even more supporting organisations and participants. This short article aims to express our gratitude to everyone involved and to give a summary of our experiences, while several projects will be described in more detail in the follow-up articles.


Traditional photo of a collection of laptops with stickers 

During the weekend before the RIPE 73 Meeting in Madrid (22 - 23 October 2016), we held our fourth RIPE NCC organised hackathon.

This time, the topic was "Tools for IXPs", and operators from as many as eleven IXPs were involved (Ams-IX, De-CIX, ECIX, France-IX, INEX, MSK-IX, Namex, Netnod, NL-IX, SENIX and Top-IX) together with a number of supporting organisations (Euro-IX and PeeringDB) and sponsors (Comcast, ISOC and Facebook). Other participants included developers from various FLOSS projects, network operators and students and researchers from more than 15 countries across all five continents!


As it is already a tradition, work was fuelled by stroopwafels, cooperation, brainstorming and finding new ways to solve old problems. Several challenges were shared on the mailing list during the preparation phase, with teams at the hackathon formed around the presented ideas for projects. 

Atmosphere during introduction, work phase and closing party

Based on experience from previous hackathons, we kept certain logistical aspects that did work and improved on several things we got the feedback on last time: 

  • Less partying, more time to work: Saturday dinner was "on site" with traditional hackers' food (pizza!)
  • Better coffee: we had a barista this time
  • Organised transport to the venue of Sunday's dinner, and good beer at a craft brewery 
  • Facilitators at the venue helped make team-forming better this time around 
  • Investing time and effort in prior organisation payed off, and everything went smoothly 

Brainstorm flipcharts 


The results of all this hard work were impressive!

  • Seven teams contributed projects
  • Several teams were given the opportunity to present their projects at RIPE 73 (see archive)
  • Eleven new code releases were contributed to our GitHub community repository

Please find all the results summarised in the table below: 

Project Code Goal Contributors Slides
& Video
IXP Valuator Code Visualising the value of the IXP
(e.g. access to local content staying local)
Sebastian Casto, James Reilly, Flavio Luciani, Khoudia Gueye, Guillermo Cicileo
(aka "Make Peering Great Again")
Code Tool to discover and generate possible peerings between Internet Autonomous Systems Cooper Lees, James Paussa, Arnaud Fenioux
(Tinder for Peering)
(Peer Speed Dating)
Code Swipe Right On A New Peering Relationship Andrea Beccaris, Daniel Quinn, David Barroso, Hannos Adollarsson, Matthew Walster Slides
Universal Looking Glass frontend code
backend code
One Looking Glass to Rule Them All Benedikt Rudolph, Mathias Handsche, Orlin Tenchev, Alexander Ilin, Mikhail Grishi Slides
Bird's Eye PHP backend
Frontend CLI
Frontend Web
A Simple Secure Micro Service for Querying Bird Barry O'Donovan, Daniel Karrenberg, Matthias Hannig, Michael Cardell Widerkrantz, Daniel Melani, Jan Paul Dekker Slides
Temporary: live endpoints:
Web based consumer
built-in looking glass
The remote peering Jedi Code Detecting remote peers at IXPs Vasileios Giotsas, Petros Gigis, Alexandros Milolidakis, Eric Nguyen Duy, Marios Isaakidis, Edward Mukasa Slides
Live data:
peering portal
Peer Match-making Code Automate all the things! Matthew Stone, Edward Medvedev
Summary Robert Kisteleki, Vesna Manojlovic Slides




We are all Winners!

In the spirit of cooperation rather than competition, the jury decided that there was no single winning team. There were various awards granted:Automate all the things!

  • Pinder & Remote Peering Detection were presented at Connect-WG
  • Universal Looking Glass & Remote Peering Jedi were presented at the RACI session
  • One representative of the Remote Peering Jedi project team will be funded to attend the next RIPE meeting in order to continue work on this project
  • The Bird's Eye team won the box of stroopwafels 

Follow-up work will happen at the Euro-IX workshop in Krakow, 5 November 2016. 

Future Plans

While in 2016 we had two successful hackathons next to RIPE meetings, in 2017 we will go back to having stand-alone events. Also, our topics will continue to be more various. So, instead of focusing on RIPE Atlas, we will incorporate more open data, such as real-time BGP routing information, or other areas that need attention, such as IPv6 tools, or improving protocol security.

The next event is tentatively planned already:

  • Topic: DNS measurements
  • Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Time: March or April 2017
  • Days: Thursday & Friday 

Please get in touch if you are interested in cooperating in this or one of the future hackathons! 


All things hipster: barista, artisan pizza & craft beer

More Resources

Photos: (closed Facebook group called "RIPE Hackers")



360° view video: 


Previous hackathons:

RIPE Atlas DataViz Hackathon Results

RIPE Atlas Tools Hackathon Results 

RIPE Atlas Interface Hackathon Results 

Stay in touch:

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About the author

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Vesna Manojlovic is Community Builder at RIPE NCC. Vesna joined the RIPE NCC as a Trainer in 1999. In 2003, she took responsibility for developing and delivering advanced courses, such as RPSL, Routing Registry, DNSSEC and IPv6. In 2008, she lead efforts to establish IPv6 RIPEness as a measure of IPv6 deployment among LIRs. In 2011, she joined the Science Division as Manager of the Measurements Community Building team; in 2015 she moved to Communications Department as Senior Community Builder, with a focus on organising hackathons. Vesna gives presentations at many technical conferences and workshops, and enjoys visiting hackerspaces. Vesna received a Batchelor of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Informatics from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. She has three children.

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What is a stroopwafel?

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Mirjam Kühne

Hi Serge, a stroopwafel is a typical Dutch caramel waffle. See here for a picture and some more information:

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Carlos Friacas

Serge: now you have been exposed :-) beware...

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Blake Willis

The RIPE Database is powered by Stroopwafels, similar to the way The Internet Generator runs on cats.

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Vesna Manojlovic

CAIDA wrote a blog post about the hackathon results:

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Vesna Manojlovic

... and two more mentions: Euro-IX Newsletter & #37 Weekly Internet Infrastructure Updates from Christian Koch:

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dear :how to use bgp rpki server?

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Mirjam Kühne

Sylow, can you please clarify your question. Is it related to the article above?