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APNIC and Day In The Life (DITL)

APNIC and Day In The Life (DITL)

George Michaelson

5 min read

This is a report about APNIC participating in the Day In the Life data collection activities organized by OARC and CAIDA.

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Lameness: Analysis, Measurement, and Estimation

Lameness: Analysis, Measurement, and Estimation

Shane Kerr

4 min read

After the RIPE NCC implemented a system that checks for lame DNS servers in the part of the DNS tree the RIPE NCC maintains I was curious to find out how big a problem DNS lameness really is. I wrote a tool and presented it at the DNS WG during RIPE 59 in Lisbon.

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A Guide to Making Movies

A Guide to Making Movies

Robert Kisteleki

3 min read

While walking around the hallways at RIPE59, a couple of people asked me how the movies were made, what tools did I use and such. So here's a short summary on what I did to produce these movies.

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REX - the Resource Explainer

REX - the Resource Explainer

Robert Kisteleki

4 min read

The current version (v0.1) knows only about IPv4 address space. We went for the most difficult part first. ASNs and IPv6 address space will follow (please note the follow-up articles below describing additional functionality about the Resource Explainer).

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Intro to INRDB - the Internet Number Resource Database

Intro to INRDB - the Internet Number Resource Database

Robert Kisteleki

4 min read

INRDB is a non-conventional database hosting many different, number resource related data sets.

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We're going to the Movies!

We're going to the Movies!

Robert Kisteleki

3 min read

Let us show you the RIR assigned and allocated IPv4 space, and some indication on how that's routed in the Internet. Get out the popcorn! Satisfaction guaranteed!

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16-bit ASN Exhaustion, Some Data

16-bit ASN Exhaustion, Some Data

Daniel Karrenberg

4 min read

We look at the consumption rate of 16-bit ASNs and try to make an educated guess on how long they would last if the current allocation rules would be extended.

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