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REX and Ukrtelecom

REX and Ukrtelecom

Emile Aben

3 min read

This articles reports from an analysis where we used REX to find out more information about the IP addresses used by Ukrtelecom after they were identified as a spam source.

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REX - the Resource Explainer

REX - the Resource Explainer

Robert Kisteleki

4 min read

The current version (v0.1) knows only about IPv4 address space. We went for the most difficult part first. ASNs and IPv6 address space will follow (please note the follow-up articles below describing additional functionality about the Resource Explainer).

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Intro to INRDB - the Internet Number Resource Database

Intro to INRDB - the Internet Number Resource Database

Robert Kisteleki

4 min read

INRDB is a non-conventional database hosting many different, number resource related data sets.

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16-bit ASN Exhaustion, Some Data

16-bit ASN Exhaustion, Some Data

Daniel Karrenberg

4 min read

We look at the consumption rate of 16-bit ASNs and try to make an educated guess on how long they would last if the current allocation rules would be extended.

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