RIPE NCC developers and researchers present their own findings about a range of topics using RIPE Atlas data, from the effect of hurricanes on the Internet to examining IPv6 /48 filtering.
How Pingable are the Pingables?
After implementing the "pingable:" and "ping-hdl:" attributes in the RIPE Database five years ago, we check how the new attributes have been adopted and how reachable the pingable addresses registered in the RIPE Database are when pinged from RIPE Atlas.
Measuring More Internet with RIPE Atlas
We had a sense that with a limited amount of extra load on the system, we could dramatically increase the number of router IPs seen on a given day in RIPE Atlas - and that means measuring more of the Internet.
Does the Internet Route Around Damage? A Case Study Using RIPE Atlas
We use RIPE Atlas to look at how large-scale disruptions in the Internet's core infrastructure affect end-to-end connectivity on the Internet.
Impact of K-root Expansion as Seen by RIPE Atlas
After expanding the K-root anycast cluster with 17 hosted servers in 15 new cities over the previous few months, we look at RIPE Atlas to see what impact this had on performance on both global and regional scales.
Iran and K-root: The Rest of the Story
After Dyn published an article about K-root, we take a deeper look into the effect that placing a new K-root node in Iran had on the surrounding region.
Looking at France-IX with RIPE Atlas and RIS
We collaborated with France-IX to collect data plane and control plan data using RIPE Atlas and the Routing Information Service (RIS).
Has the Routability of Longer-than-/24 Prefixes Changed?
A year after we started announcing a few prefixes longer than a /24, we revisit our investigation of how visible these prefixes are according to RIPE Atlas and the Routing Information Service (RIS).
The AMS-IX Outage as Seen with RIPE Atlas
We investigate an outage at AMS-IX using the RIPE Atlas Seismograph and DNSMON tools.
Measuring Countries and IXPs in the SEE Region
We look at 10 countries in South East Europe and see how we can use RIPE Atlas to get a sense of routing and the interconnectedness of networks in that region.
Amsterdam Power Outage as Seen by RIPE Atlas
We monitor a large-scale power outage as seen by RIPE Atlas and create an animated map showing probes going down and coming back online.
Measuring Countries and IXPs with RIPE Atlas
We work with various Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) to see how RIPE Atlas active measurements can provide insight into how they are keeping local traffic local.
Cyclone Pam and the Internet in Vanuatu
We monitor how cyclone Pam is battering the South Pacific and how this affects Vanuatu.
#facebookdown? What Internet Measurement Data Shows
We provide some insight into what happened with Facebook's connectivity to the rest of the Internet when the social media site went offline.
Propagation of Longer-than-/24 IPv4 Prefixes
We request a small block of address space from the reserved /10 to test the usability/routability of prefixes longer than a /24.
Time Warner Cable Outage
We look at some interesting details of the Time Warner cable outage using RIS and RIPE Atlas.
How RIPE Atlas Helped Wikipedia Users
Engineers from the Wikimedia Foundation and the RIPE NCC collaborate to measure the latency of Wikimedia sites, identifying ways to decrease latency and improve performance for users around the world.
A RIPE Atlas View of Internet Meddling in Turkey
We investigate the potential hijacking of Google's DNS resolver in Turkey and create a timeline of these events.
An Update on De-bogonising
We use RIPE Atlas measurements to see whether we can still find cases where is filtered out.
Hurricane Sandy and How the Internet Routes Around Damage
We look at some of the effects Hurricane Sandy had on the Internet data plane, as we see them in traceroutes done by RIPE Atlas.
Superstorm Sandy
We used the RIPE Atlas network to find out what effects Superstorm Sandy had on the Internet.
Comparing TCP and UDP Response Times of DNS Root Servers
We did some measurements on the round-trip (RT) values of DNS queries for SOA (Start of Authority) records from our RIPE Atlas probes, over both UDP and TCP.
A Case Study of IPv6 /48 Filtering
We look at four different IPv6 destinations in different BGP set-ups and how these are seen by RIPE Atlas probes, revealing some differences in reachability for the different networks, likely due to BGP route filtering.
A Use Case for IPv6 Reachability Testing with RIPE Atlas
RIPE Atlas was used to perform IPv6 reachability testing before and during the World IPv6 Launch. We include one success story and the usage statistics.
RIPE Atlas & Anycast Instance Switches
We took a quick look at anycast traffic to DNS root name servers. There is a lot of interesting signal in this data.
22/12/2011 As Seen by RIPE Atlas
Atlas traceroutes to - Last Working Hop
The Curious Case of 128.0/16
The prefix 128.0/16 is filtered in Juniper devices up to and including JUNOS software version 11.1. We explored three different ways to get a rough estimate on how much filtering of 128.0/16 is going on on the Internet.
December 2011
DNS Measurements with RIPE Atlas Data
We describe how we use RIPE Atlas to determine which instance of a name server a probe uses.
A Case Study of AAAA Filtering
At a RIPE Meeting, the question was raised whether Internet users would see significant filtering of AAAA DNS queries or replies. We used RIPE Atlas measurements to provide an answer to this question.
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