
Stéphane Bortzmeyer

Based in Paris (France)




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About the author

I work at AFNIC (the registry of .fr domain names), in the R&D department, on, among other things, DNS, security, statistics.

• Reply to Giovane Moura on DNS TTL Violations in the Wild - Measured with RIPE Atlas by Giovane Moura

“Thanks Stéphane for your feedback. I refer to TTL violations as in [1] , which is when a resolver " overrides the TTL value" . In regardless if is increased or decreases; just different from what the authoritative returns. So in this context , violation is not protocol violation, is the violation or changing the original TTL value provided by the authoritative. thanks, /gio [1]”

I still disagree with the term: first, a resolver does not always talk with an authoritative name server, it may talk to an upstream resolver a forwarder), and so receive a smaller TTL. Also, all DNS implementations have an upper bound for TTLs (sometimes configurable, as with BIND and Unbound). Is it a "violation" to cap a one-month TTL (seen in the wild) to one week?

• On DNS TTL Violations in the Wild - Measured with RIPE Atlas by Giovane Moura

Thanks for these very interesting measurements. Really useful. But I disagree with your use of the same term ("TTL violations") for the increase and the decrease of the TTL. A TTL is a *maximum*. A resolver is always free to keep the data for a *shorter* time, for instance because it reboots, or because the cache is full and it has to evict some data. It's only the increase of the TTL which is a protocol violation. Decreasing the TTL, like Amazon does systematically, is bad manners, it transfers costs to someone else, it is selfish, but it is not a protocol violation.

• Reply to OLF on Quad9, a Public DNS Resolver - with Security by Stéphane Bortzmeyer

“With the stubby config above I only receive a FORMERR $ dig @::1 -p 8053 A ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @::1 -p 8053 A ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: FORMERR, id: 39788 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; Query time: 115 msec ;; SERVER: ::1#8053(::1) ;; WHEN: Tue Nov 28 07:06:35 2017 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 45”

This is apparently because a known ECS bug already fixed in the code repository.

• Reply to GAURAV KANSAL on Quad9, a Public DNS Resolver - with Security by Stéphane Bortzmeyer

“DNSDB link mentioned is only for account holders. Can we get the information about previous usage of from any other source, which don't need an account ?”

DNSDB is subscription-only. But there are some gratis "passive DNS" databases such as or

• On Measuring your Web Server Reachability with TCP Ping by Rene Wilhelm

I modified a bit my tools (following Vesna Manojlovic's excellent talk at RIPE NCC Educa yesterday to implement the options required for "TCP ping". See for a description of these tools/. Here is an example: % atlas-traceroute -f -r 3 --protocol TCP --size=0 --port=43 --first_hop=64 --max_hops=64 $(dig +short +nodnssec AAAA Measurement #9721999 Traceroute 2001:67c:2e8:22::c100:687 uses 3 probes 3 probes reported Test #9721999 done at 2017-10-06T14:34:57Z From: 2601:646:8d00:6951:fa1a:67ff:fe4d:6a0c 7922 COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, US Source address: 2601:646:8d00:6951:fa1a:67ff:fe4d:6a0c Probe ID: 12908 64 2001:67c:2e8:22::c100:687 3333 RIPE-NCC-AS Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL [160.926, 161.434, 163.041] From: fd00:8494:8c40:8c12:16cc:20ff:fe48:cf02 None None Source address: Probe ID: 27041 Error: connect failed: Network is unreachable [Note added manually: probably fascist firewall. Outgoing whois is often blocked.] From: 2003:6:21f8:7957:a62b:b0ff:fedf:fd2c 3320 DTAG Internet service provider operations, DE Source address: 2003:c3:e3e5:a57:a62b:b0ff:fedf:fd2c Probe ID: 28991 64 2001:67c:2e8:22::c100:687 3333 RIPE-NCC-AS Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL [35.646, 35.717, 36.512] TODO: aggregate results to show median and average, as in "ordinary ping" tests: % atlas-reach -r 3 -g 9721999 $(dig +short +nodnssec AAAA | tail -1) 2 probes reported Test #9722014 done at 2017-10-06T14:40:01Z Tests: 6 successful tests (100.0 %), 0 errors (0.0 %), 0 timeouts (0.0 %), average RTT: 111 ms

• On A Virtual Canary-in-the-Coalmine for the DNSSEC Root Key Rollover by Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

Strange problem with a Knot resolver: only orange (open padlock) dots. The resolver validates, I'm pretty sure of it: % dig A ; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-9+deb8u11-Debian <<>> A ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 56289 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 8, ADDITIONAL: 9 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 600 IN A 600 IN RRSIG A 8 3 600 ( 20170726090003 20170626080003 31785 jMr0wyDGah/o4e4yV5slTEwqlk6KK11NkWDaiagnIdJp vDO4z9U+MoGWHkdR2rX94kt+eLWgy+U48ygPwY0vyChn xnjcEZ+4DZ8ZfzsSQ+BHodKksujfiCdTeiw6HsrcwtEq AuvdJ19EF9v8c0lVjil46HUhfltgPT7/p+B2Ct0= ) ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN NS 2131 IN RRSIG NS 8 2 3600 ( 20170726090003 20170626080003 31785 UlsAmef8O5ls8BHV4Is81uw5q4iWWN82SEgk5DVvT5t7 yN03+/Cl6B8XxcfhymW+/5ndBl2R673GKfamb3Xm2nVd g8JT27ScD6kpYLWTqqITb1+/4PXXyTcYhRVrrfBmjgFG NyyKreTi1mrfV5KConADv2PKk1ixuU8hMxdFnhk= ) ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 171330 IN A 171330 IN AAAA 2001:dc0:1:0:4777::140 171330 IN A 171330 IN AAAA 2001:67c:e0::7 171330 IN A 171330 IN AAAA 2001:500:13::c7d4:35 2131 IN RRSIG A 8 4 3600 ( 20170726090003 20170626080003 31785 PUJXvQ3gFUNXBMgf4Rs5OuuAhLhlOVYMrL1vDKkeZRmY awgwQOJKkRiASVERXIWiyabTxTW+ziORa28QKsDhjRgv OLhPyBO6XJ4ol4bY1Yiecc78vi8lGBYq7Onnn6YYgHdm kAYzGp16ggAd6EitKsz+ymzkDF+HS1Jen7ZcNkI= ) 2131 IN RRSIG AAAA 8 4 3600 ( 20170726090003 20170626080003 31785 lkXqjQBWK1WkEJUnD7SvzCKd8vpRKzBxWap69Ia4WiHS F8D99749X9NklhDtthD3R7c1umOwoAi7R6OIwjUnVFH8 Q+PBahvmJCefnj/RAEYw4H7HQyvPkSjGhlQ27/vN2ApL p8IzQ+Ym6G1cuxSAVG9NKq6WrgXON3I17JKE0mY= ) ;; Query time: 457 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Tue Jun 27 20:56:19 CEST 2017 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 1035

• On A Virtual Canary-in-the-Coalmine for the DNSSEC Root Key Rollover by Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

It's with BIND that I get the most green dots: even GOST works fully: The only missing stuff is the Bernstein crypto.

• On A Virtual Canary-in-the-Coalmine for the DNSSEC Root Key Rollover by Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

With my Unbound resolver, I get results similar to yours but with Google Public DNS, it's more fun: Google handles GOST DS but not GOST signatures. Also, it SERVFAILs for RSA-MD5 signatures.

• On Finding Open DNS Resolvers on IPv6 by Luuk Hendriks

@Chris Your site cannot be visited with some browsers. A recent Firefox says " uses security technology that is outdated and vulnerable to attack. An attacker could easily reveal information which you thought to be safe. Advanced info: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP" And if I try to proceed anyway, I get a SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT Then, many of the resolvers you publish are not *open* resolvers but *public* resolvers, resolvers *intended* to be queryable by anyone (such as Google Public DNS). We can therefore assume they have good protections against being used a reflector (monitoring, rate limiting, etc). Also, I tested at random some of the addresses and most seem to timeout or to return REFUSED. Open resolvers come and go.

• On IETF 98 - Some Impressions - Monday by Mirjam Kühne

Regarding the women participation in dnsop, there is also the co-chair, Suzanne Woolf. Regarding NSEC5, it provides indeed "good protection against zone enumeration" but not with "a better rate of online key signing", but with a cute cryptographic hack, the VRF (Verifiable Random Functions). Unlike NSEC3, VRF requires on-line signing (but it provides a better protection). (And there is also NSEC3 with white lies, but I stop here.)

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