All IP Addresses Are Equal? "dot-zero" Addresses Are Less Equal
• 4 min read
In theory, all IP addresses are the same, and you can allocate them at random without a problem. is certainly not better or worse than, right? But, in practice, certain IP addresses are regarded as "special" by some implementations and do not yield the same user experience.…
“Very nice write up, I like the detail of two way trip time. I'd also recommend looking in to ITU Y.1564, this works end to end at the application layer which may be more accurate. An ICMP ping may be processed by the processor on each layer three node (adding increased latency to what would be seen by other protocols such as http).”
« An ICMP ping may be processed by the processor on each layer three node (adding increased latency » Hmmm, certainly not. If you *direct* an ICMP echo request to a router, yes, the processing by the target (the router) will typically be slow, but, if you direct it to a remote machine, for all the routers on the path, it will just be an ordinary packet, forwarded like any other.
The README of sping has no usage instructions so, since it is not obvious, here is a summary: 0) Check that you have a clean path between the two machines (UDP port 6924 must pass) 1) On the responder (server / slave / pick the name you want), run sping without arguments 2) On the initiator (client / master / pick the name you want), run sping with -peers (I tried with IP addresses, may be it also works with names), for instance './sping -peers'. The result are displayed in the Web interface (by default, 'http://[::]:9523/metrics') under 'splitping_latency'. If you prefer see them in the console, add -debug.showstats to sping.
"issues such as spam and copyright clearly cross the technical picket fence they have set" No, it is not at all clear to me and it requires explanations. How is copyright a technical issue? Also, it has nothing to do with the subject, which was protecting users (not Disney or Elsevier) from abuse.
Regarding Geoff Huston's comment, and after discussion with Florian Maury, and with his authorization, I translate here his analysis : "The attack [NXNSattack] is quite different, and it has a significant impact. It was not detected at the time of iDNS. Moreover, the article [about NXNSattack] is well written, mentions the related work and explains the differences. To summarize, this is an new and serious contribution."
Alexandre Pion noticed a small bug: for the median too, we should exclude the null results.
One may assume that, if some people delayed the changes, other people rushed in to adapt the networks to the increased load? Both behaviour may explain why the change rate is more or less the same?
“Thanks, Stéphane! At some point I may add extra examples to the documentation. Is it okay if I include something based on your example?”
You're welcome to use this example as you see fit. A better version is available at
Here is an asynchronous version of a Python client so you can do other things while waiting for updates. (In that case, we just display a timestamp.) #!/usr/bin/env python3 PERIOD = 5 RFC3339 = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' import sys import json import time import asyncio # import websockets class RISliveWebsocket(): def __init__(self, router, asn): self.router = router self.asn = asn async def __aenter__(self): self._conn = await websockets.connect("wss://") opening = json.dumps({"type": "ris_subscribe", "data": {"host": self.router, "path": self.asn}}) await self._conn.send(opening) print("Connected, %s sent" % opening) return self async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs): print("Goodbye") pass async def send(self, message): await self._conn.send(message) async def receive(self): print("Trying to receive") return await self._conn.recv() async def tick(): while True: await asyncio.sleep(PERIOD) print("Waking up, it is %s" % time.strftime(RFC3339, time.gmtime(time.time()))) async def main(router, asn): sock = RISliveWebsocket(router, asn) async with sock as feed: while True: print(await feed.receive()) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: %s RIS-router ASn" % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait([main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]), tick()])) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Does not call __aexit__?
“Stephane, Quad9 has also DoH ( )”
OK, they should just update the FAQ :-) Thanks for the info.
"CloudFlare, Google and Quad9 all offer DoH" As far as I know, only Cloudflare does it. Google Public DNS has an experimental DNS-over-HTTPS (proprietary, not DoH) service and Quad9 seems to have "only" DoT (see )
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