IGF 2024 Report
• 8 min read
The RIPE NCC team was at the 19th Internet Governance Forum held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are some of our key takeaways from the last Internet event of 2024!
Based in Amsterdam
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Senior Marketing and Communications Officer at the RIPE NCC. I started working at the RIPE NCC in 2018, having previously worked in digital marketing, communications, magazine publishing and teaching.
• 8 min read
The RIPE NCC team was at the 19th Internet Governance Forum held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are some of our key takeaways from the last Internet event of 2024!
• 7 min read
With a limited supply of hardware probes and thousands of networks yet to be covered, how do we prioritise the applications to host probes? In this article, we explain our hardware probe distribution strategy to improve RIPE Atlas’s global coverage.
• 3 min read
We're making further changes to improve the ease of access to content on the ripe.net website.
• 4 min read
We’re launching a new forum and the idea behind it is very simple – we want it to be easier for you to talk to us, and to each other.
• 11 min read
RIPE has a new Vice Chair! Niall O'Reilly is a familiar face at RIPE Meetings, having first attended back at RIPE 3. We asked him a few questions to learn more about his long involvement in the RIPE community.
• 8 min read
Mirjam Kühne succeeded Hans Petter Holen as the RIPE Chair this September (although “the Internet” is yet to be handed over*). We caught up with her to chat about her long involvement with the RIPE community and ask her a few questions.
• 5 min read
We’re about to start using a third-party product to handle our email communications for cases where we need to contact people outside of mailing lists and ticketing systems - like meetings and training invites. This will allow us to develop a better service for you while making things more efficien…
• 11 min read
At RIPE 79, precisely on the 20th anniversary of his taking charge at the RIPE NCC, Axel announced that he would be stepping down. In his last week at the office, Axel shares some of his thoughts, looking back at his two decades as Managing Director.
• 3 min read
Our first ever distributed hackathon is underway simultaneously in Delft, Dublin, Geneva, Padova, Paris, and Sarajevo. Here's what's been happening.
• 5 min read
One of the most frequent requests we receive from our community is for translated content. Whether it's during member support interactions, on mailing lists, in survey responses, or at events—especially those held far from our headquarters in Amsterdam—the need for content in languages beyond Engli…
• 27 min read
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) brings together participants from around the world to discuss public policy issues related to the Internet. This year's overarching theme is "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People". We will keep updating this article over the course of the IGF on the issue…
• 31 min read
It's time for another Internet Governance Forum! IGF 2022 takes place this week in hybrid format. This year's overarching theme is "Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future". Check this page for regular updates from RIPE NCC staff on the issues, arguments and opinions discussed…
• 7 min read
In November 2019, we organised the first ever multi-location Quantum Internet hackathon.
• 3 min read
The headlines are raising awareness about the plastic soup that's clogging up our oceans but there's another problem much closer to home for much of the RIPE community: e-waste (aka 'dead electronics'). E-waste is a massive contributor to environmental pollution globally. We want to keep the conver…
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“Very much appreciated your comments, Ulka, in the workshop on regionalism and the IGF (a subject that the RIRs obviously have very significant insight into!). Check out the report on the session here: https://dig.watch/event/internet-governance-forum-2024/ws-141-regionalism-and-the-igf”
Thanks for sharing the link to the session report, and the invitation to join the session. The discussion on coordinating non-geographically contiguous groups based on shared goals and frameworks might be interesting for the RIRs to think about as well.
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