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Daniel Karrenberg

Based in Western Europe, NL&DE mostly




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>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<< Ample information about his past sins can be found using your favourite search engine. Following are a few additional keywords you might use, arranged by decade: 1980s: GUUG EUUG EUnet unido mcvax cwi RARE iepg RIPE; 1990s: RIPE+NCC rir iana postel terena ebone centr; 2000s: dnsmon nsd ris internet+society rssac; 2010s: ripe+labs ripestat ripe+atlas

25 Years of the RIPE NCC – The First Hours

25 Years of the RIPE NCC – The First Hours

10 min read

March 1992 - NIKHEF Amsterdam - Main Computer Room: "We have connectivity!" Marten called out. "Running the check script." Daniel responded. The two young engineers were intently looking at their screens, totally oblivious to anything around them: the noise of the air-conditioning fans, the bli…

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There is Gold in this Stream - Sifting Through Used RIPE Atlas Traceroute Results

15 min read

This work demonstrates the value of the results collected by RIPE Atlas independent of the original purpose for collecting them. Using all traceroute results from a particular day as an example, we first show that near real-time analysis of the result stream is feasible. Then we show that this has …

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RIPE Atlas Fun: Map a RIPE Atlas Anchor

RIPE Atlas Fun: Map a RIPE Atlas Anchor

14 min read

View maps based on RIPE Atlas traceroute measurements. Compare the maps to the ISP's description of their topology. See the potential of RIPE Atlas for mapping the packet layer topology. Learn about experimental tools you can use yourself to explore. Make suggestions for further work.

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Conclusions Drawn from Reverse DNS Event

Conclusions Drawn from Reverse DNS Event

3 min read

On Wednesday 13 June 2012, an unknown error caused the removal of several zone files from the configuration of our reverse DNS provisioning system. Following up from the initial report published on RIPE Labs, we further analysed what caused the incident and implemented a number of procedures to dec…

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