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Why Role Models Matter (Especially in Tech!)

Why Role Models Matter (Especially in Tech!)

Amanda Gowland

5 min read

Role models and mentors can play a pivotal role in shaping a young professional's career. Find out how you can use your experience and skills to help pay it forward in the RIPE community.

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Real-Time Monitoring and Troubleshooting of Web Browsing Sessions

Real-Time Monitoring and Troubleshooting of Web Browsing Sessions

Antoine Saverimoutou

7 min read

This post introduces the MORIS (Measuring and Observing Representative Information of webSites) probe, a tool for measuring automated web browsing sessions, which allows to estimate end-users’ QoE (Quality of Experience) in various situations and to perform troubleshooting when it is degraded.

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Measuring the Adoption of RPKI Route Origin Validation

Measuring the Adoption of RPKI Route Origin Validation

Andreas Reuter

10 min read

The number of Resource Certificates and ROAs is steadily growing, especially in the RIPE NCC service region. However, it remains unclear how widely BGP speakers on the Internet are actually using route origin validation (ROV) to drop or de-preference invalid announcements.

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RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund

RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund

Alastair Strachan

2 min read

Are you working on a project that increases the resilience of the Internet and benefits the Internet community? Apply for funding: the call for applications is open until 29 June 2018.

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EuroDIG 2018 Liveblog

EuroDIG 2018 Liveblog

Gergana Petrova

21 min read

The RIPE NCC is liveblogging from the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) from 4-6 June. Check back for updates!

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Opportunities and Challenges of Ad-based Measurements from the Edge of the Network

Opportunities and Challenges of Ad-based Measurements from the Edge of the Network

Patricia Callejo

7 min read

Read how we're using AdTag, a new methodology to perform network measurements that leverage the nature of ad networks.

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Ulka Athale

5 min read

The RIPE NCC is marking the sixth anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch with RIPE NCC::Educa IPv6 Day, an all-day webinar on the state of IPv6 and its future. Here is a quick overview of where IPv6 currently stands from the RIPE NCC perspective.

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Could Blockchain Help in Interdomain Routing Security?

Could Blockchain Help in Interdomain Routing Security?

Jordi Paillissé Vilanova

9 min read

Blockchain technology is attracting a lot of attention among the security community since it provides a way to exchange information among a set of distrusting entities without the use of digital certificates and centralised control. Blockchain provides means for distrusting parties to reach consens…

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