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Join the RIPE NCC Hackathon Version 6

Join the RIPE NCC Hackathon Version 6

Vesna Manojlovic

8 min read

Together with Comcast and DKNOG, the RIPE NCC is organising our sixth hackathon, the topic of which will be IPv6! Our goals are to promote IPv6 in Denmark, come up with new and creative ways to visualise IPv6 measurements, and hack together the tools helpful for IPv6 deployment.

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SHA2017: Hackers' Camping, RIPE Topics

SHA2017: Hackers' Camping, RIPE Topics

Vesna Manojlovic

9 min read

Today begins the newest edition of four-yearly Dutch summer camping conferences for and by hackers: SHA2017. Since there is an overlap between topics and participants within the RIPE community, this is an invitation to the talks and workshops that might interest you.

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On the Operators' Perspective on Security Misconfigurations ㄧ The Survey

On the Operators' Perspective on Security Misconfigurations ㄧ The Survey

Constanze Dietrich

4 min read

We want to fully understand the issue of security misconfigurations. We have some preliminary findings. But we need your help: Please, participate in our anonymous survey on security misconfigurations.

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RIPE Mailing Lists and DMARC

RIPE Mailing Lists and DMARC

Adam Castle

4 min read

The RIPE community has existed for almost 30 years. In all that time, one of the chief missions of RIPE has been to provide a platform that allows network operators and others interested in networking to coordinate their activities and agree on best current practices. Therefore, since day one, it h…

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How the RIPE NCC Can Help Network Operator Groups

How the RIPE NCC Can Help Network Operator Groups

Mirjam Kühne

7 min read

The RIPE NCC provides funding through sponsorship for local NOGs and has sent staff to speak or attend at a wide range of local community events in our service region. We believe that these efforts bring great value for the Internet community, as it helps the community in each country to develop in…

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Taking it to the Limit - Testing the Performance of R&E Networking

Taking it to the Limit - Testing the Performance of R&E Networking

Mirjam Kühne

6 min read

Please read this guest post by Mian Usman, Network Architect at GÉANT: One of the big questions often asked of R&E networking is why? Why, when commercial networks are so large, is there still a need for dedicated research networks? Surely organisations can simply buy commercial off-the-shelf netw…

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The Internet was Built on Trust. But What Does it Run On?

The Internet was Built on Trust. But What Does it Run On?

Uta Meier-Hahn

12 min read

One of the most noble narratives about the Internet is that it is built on trust. This article sets out to check if that saying still holds true.

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Talking Traffic at TMA 2017

Talking Traffic at TMA 2017

Stephen Strowes

7 min read

Last week, the Network Traffic, Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) took place in Maynooth, Ireland. A full week was scheduled, featuring a PhD school across Monday and Tuesday, the Mobile Network Measurements (MNM) workshop on Tuesday, and the main conference from Wednesday to Friday. We wer…

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External Relations at the RIPE NCC: Outreach, Hot Topics and Staying Ahead of the Curve in 76 Countries

External Relations at the RIPE NCC: Outreach, Hot Topics and Staying Ahead of the Curve in 76 Countries

Paul Rendek

10 min read

What does external relations mean to the RIPE NCC, and what exactly have we been up to in this area lately?

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