
Alun Davies

Based in Amsterdam




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About the author

Hailing from a research background in philosophy, linguistics and computer science, I came to the RIPE NCC back in 2016 and took on the role of RIPE Labs Editor in 2020.

RIPE Atlas Software Probes

RIPE Atlas Software Probes

4 min read

RIPE Atlas probes are now available as software, offering future hosts a new way to help build the RIPE Atlas network. While not a replacement for their hardware counterparts, software probes will improve coverage by bringing RIPE Atlas to new and previously hard-to-reach places.

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RIPE NCC Country Report: Russia

RIPE NCC Country Report: Russia

2 min read

RIPE NCC Day Moscow takes place on 9 April. In conjunction with the event, which has been organised to allow network engineers and other technical staff to share their knowledge and experiences, we’d like to share with you the second in our new series of country reports.

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RIPE Atlas Probes: Delays in Distribution

RIPE Atlas Probes: Delays in Distribution

3 min read

The good news: RIPE Atlas is growing both in terms of geographical diversity and ASN coverage. What's more, RIPE Atlas is evolving, with a new generation of probe hardware having already passed the test phase and a pilot programme underway to assess the viability of VM anchors. The not so good news…

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