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RIPE Atlas Success Story: Zoom-in on Germany

RIPE Atlas Success Story: Zoom-in on Germany

Vesna Manojlovic

3 min read

Here is an example of how cross-pollination between two or more communities can create success. An overlap between IETF participants, RIPE Atlas users and listeners of a popular German podcast has led to growth in the deployment of RIPE Atlas probes (hardware devices that measure Internet infrastru…

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Cybersecurity Due Diligence - an ISP Perspective

Cybersecurity Due Diligence - an ISP Perspective

Joanna Kulesza

8 min read

Cybersecurity is no longer a corporate or private affair. What once was simply good business practice is now a legal obligation for ISPs, large and small. What does this mean for you?

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Routing Detours: Can We Avoid Nation-State Surveillance?

Routing Detours: Can We Avoid Nation-State Surveillance?

Annie Edmundson

6 min read

An increasing number of countries are passing laws that facilitate the mass surveillance of their citizens. In response, governments and citizens are increasingly paying attention to the countries that their Internet traffic traverses. In some cases, countries are taking extreme steps, such as bui…

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IXP Tools Hackathon Results

IXP Tools Hackathon Results

Vesna Manojlovic

6 min read

The fourth RIPE NCC Hackathon was as fun and productive as the previous three, with even more supporting organisations and participants. This short article aims to express our gratitude to everyone involved and to give a summary of our experiences, while several projects will be described in more d…

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Six Years of Hackerspaces Tours During RIPE Meetings

Six Years of Hackerspaces Tours During RIPE Meetings

Vesna Manojlovic

7 min read

Maybe surprisingly, there is quite an overlap between the RIPE community and the hackers community. Visiting a local hackerspace has been a tradition for more than five years: during RIPE Meetings, network operators groups, IXP meetings and other technical events. This is a nostalgic look back to t…

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All Quiet in the IPv4 Internet?

All Quiet in the IPv4 Internet?

Philipp Richter

10 min read

In 2016, IPv4 exhaustion is on everyone’s lips: four out of five Regional Internet Registries have run out of freely available address space.

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Impressions from NLNOG-day 2016

Impressions from NLNOG-day 2016

Vesna Manojlovic

4 min read

The Dutch Network Operators Group had its annual conference on 9 September 2016, in Amsterdam. Here are some impressions of the event.

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Announcing the IXP Tools Hackathon

Announcing the IXP Tools Hackathon

Suzanne Taylor

7 min read

The RIPE NCC is hosting a hackathon focused on developing tools for Internet Exchange Points. Come participate!

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Detecting IXPs in Traceroute Paths Using traIXroute

Detecting IXPs in Traceroute Paths Using traIXroute

George Nomikos

8 min read

traIXroute is a tool that detects whether and where a traceroute path crosses an Internet Exchange Point (IXP). It uses data from multiple sources and advanced criteria to verify IXP crossings to deal with problems due to replies from third-party interfaces or inaccuracies in the available data abo…

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