
Alun Davies

Based in Amsterdam




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About the author

Hailing from a research background in philosophy, linguistics and computer science, I came to the RIPE NCC back in 2016 and took on the role of RIPE Labs Editor in 2020.

Emile Aben: Measuring Damage on the Internet

Emile Aben: Measuring Damage on the Internet

2 min read

In the first episode of the RIPE Labs podcast, Emile Aben shares his views on the importance of efforts to keep the Internet 'lit' by turning data from such sources as RIPE Atlas and RIPE RIS into visualisations that can help network operators understand what's going on when parts of the Internet g…

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Six on IPv6

Six on IPv6

3 min read

This Sunday marks nine years since the World IPv6 Launch took place, an event coordinated by ISOC. To celebrate, to reminisce, to look back at how we thought and felt about IPv6 over the years, here are six RIPE Labs articles championing adoption, flagging blockers, quashing misconceptions, evaluat…

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An Eventful Ten Years in RIPEstat

An Eventful Ten Years in RIPEstat

6 min read

Since its inception, RIPEstat has been helping network operators and end users monitor the state of the Internet. Ten years on, we look back at some of the ways RIPEstat enabled us to get a clearer picture of how the Internet fared in the event of outages, blackouts, natural disasters, and Nyan Cat.

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A Brand New Look at the Best of RIPE Labs

A Brand New Look at the Best of RIPE Labs

7 min read

RIPE Labs has just gone through a big transformation into a better, brighter, more beautiful version of itself. To help get a feel for what's changed, we take a tour through some of your favourite articles from the past year or so so you can enjoy them all over again in their fresh new setting.

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