After the Quake in Croatia
• 5 min read
After the recent earthquake in Croatia we looked at RIPE Atlas and RIS data to visualise the impact a large event like this can have on the resilience of the Internet.
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Vesna Manojlovic is Community Builder at RIPE NCC. Vesna joined the RIPE NCC as a Trainer in 1999. In 2003, she took responsibility for developing and delivering advanced courses, such as RPSL, Routing Registry, DNSSEC and IPv6. In 2008, she lead efforts to establish IPv6 RIPEness as a measure of IPv6 deployment among LIRs. In 2011, she joined the Science Division as Manager of the Measurements Community Building team; in 2015 she moved to Communications Department as Senior Community Builder, with a focus on organising hackathons. Vesna gives presentations at many technical conferences and workshops, and enjoys visiting hackerspaces. Vesna received a Batchelor of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Informatics from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. She has three children.
• 8 min read
The community’s reaction to our cloud proposal at RIPE 82 was stronger than we expected. We think it’s worth re-starting this discussion, and the first step is to check that we’ve heard you correctly.
• 40 min read
The 15th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be taking place online from 9-17 November with pre-events happening from 2-6 November. Our staff will be sharing key moments and takeaways from the sessions they attend. Check this page each day for the latest issues, arguments and…
• 7 min read
RIPE Atlas probes actively measure Internet connectivity through a variety of measurement types. In this article, we take a closer look at what probes can tell us about outages.
• 6 min read
On 9 August, Belarus experienced country-wide Internet outages. Here's a first glance at what our tools and datasets have to tell us about the scale of these outages and their impact.
• 11 min read
We attended the Digital Campus online event that went on for 24 hours over 3 days in more than 30 countries simultaneously. The aim is to connect young innovators around the globe using technology to support society.
• 31 min read
The 12th edition of EuroDIG, the pan-European Internet governance event, is taking place from 10-12 June 2020 online. You can expect sessions on technical and operational issues, security, justice, public empowerment, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and more. RIPE NCC staff at the event …
• 6 min read
We take on the Quantum Internet simultaneously in six nodes across Europe on 5-6 November 2019. Join us in Delft, Dublin, Geneva, Padua, Paris or Sarajevo!
• 7 min read
To prepare you for the upcoming Open Source WG discussion at RIPE 78, we are re-publishing our report from the most successful IETF Hackathon that took place in March 2019.
• 5 min read
The RIPE NCC and Juniper Networks co-hosted the first Deployathon on RPKI – a two-day event that brought together network professionals from 7 countries to work on practical aspects of routing security.
• 8 min read
Welcome to the anticipated 2018 Quantum Internet Hackathon report. Here we share the results of last months’ successful hackathon held at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam.
New links, to even more events: GEANT events, e.g.: Community Cloud Operators BoF, 6 June https://events.geant.org/ Computing within LIMITS: 21-22 June 2022. https://computingwithinlimits.org/2022/ A New HOPE: 22-24 July 2022, New York City & virtual (the ticket is 99$!) https://hope.net/ NORDUnet: 3-15 September 2022, Iceland https://nordu.net/save-date-nordunet-conference-2022/ Bits & Bäume: October 1st to 2nd, 2022. Berlin https://bits-und-baeume.org/ RIPE85: 24-28. October 2022 Belgrade, Serbia https://ripe85.ripe.net/ Internet Governance Forum: 17th IGF 28 November-2 December 2022. Ethiopia https://www.intgovforum.org/en
Please join today's "open consultation" // feedback session about RIPE NCC's "cloud strategy" at 4PM CEST. Link to zoom is here: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/ncc-services-wg/2021-September/003469.html
Researcher, coach and facilitator Nadine Andrews, who is chair of Climate Psychology Alliance Scotland, will be one of the speakers in the first of a series of Open Forum events on Our Changing Climate: An Open Forum on Inner Resilience and Emotional Awareness - an invitation to explore and relate to the feelings and perspectives that appear for us in relation to our changing climate. Monday, 6th September , 7:45 PM – 10:00 PM CEST https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-open-forum-on-inner-resilience-and-emotional-awareness-tickets-164622274655
There's an interesting webinar coming up, on 13th May: "Covid and Mental Health", organised by Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Bristol https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZhLvJk1eRoi8FwqDKcW1SA
Upcoming course on the topic of safety: "Psychological Safety: Privilege & Power", by Jyotsna Sara George & "The Hum" 29 April, 09:00 – 10:30 CEST, over Zoom https://www.thehum.org/events-1/psychological-safety-privilege-power
“On Tuesday, 16. March 2021, there is an upcoming event "Resilience Skills You Need Right Now", by resilience expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka “Dr. G” works with families, organizations, and businesses to identify the mindset and strategies to turn stress to an advantage: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-live/events/276814472/ "Can you believe it’s been a year since we went into lockdown? The past 12 months have been filled with uncertainty, but one thing is for sure: stress levels are soaring. Let’s take the time to learn how to channel our stress, negative energy, and longing of the past into something more useful. Learn resilience skills for anything life throws your way."”
More events! On Tuesday 23. March there is EMEA InfoSecurity Magazine Summit, and on Wednesday 24. March the North America version: https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/online-summits/spring-2021-emea-edition/ & https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/online-summits/mar-24-2021-north-america/ For met he most interesting talks are: "Diversity & Inclusion - Ensuring a Cyber Future that Works for All" & "Take A Deeper Look at Team Burnout & How the Industry Can Tackle Mental Health" . Take a look at the rest of the programme and register for free!
On Tuesday, 16. March 2021, there is an upcoming event "Resilience Skills You Need Right Now", by resilience expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka “Dr. G” works with families, organizations, and businesses to identify the mindset and strategies to turn stress to an advantage: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-live/events/276814472/ "Can you believe it’s been a year since we went into lockdown? The past 12 months have been filled with uncertainty, but one thing is for sure: stress levels are soaring. Let’s take the time to learn how to channel our stress, negative energy, and longing of the past into something more useful. Learn resilience skills for anything life throws your way."
There's an open online event coming up on 17th March: more info and registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/data-feminism-tickets-143291800633 "a joint event organised by the Department of Informatics and the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) at King's College London. DDH and Informatics are taking the Data Feminism book as an opportunity to explore broader collaborations between students and staff in our respective departments around how feminist perspectives can enrich our work with and about data."
Hi Alex, here's a blog post from Next Generation Internet about their instant messaging applications - it might be of interest to you & your readers: https://www.ngi.eu/news/2021/01/15/instant-messaging-the-ngi-way/
Here's an ISOC page that collects more information about this event: https://insights.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/4992
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