RightsCon 2017 Day Two
• 3 min read
Thursday, 30 March 2017 - Live blogging from RightsCon in Brussels, Day Two.
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Vesna Manojlovic is Community Builder at RIPE NCC. Vesna joined the RIPE NCC as a Trainer in 1999. In 2003, she took responsibility for developing and delivering advanced courses, such as RPSL, Routing Registry, DNSSEC and IPv6. In 2008, she lead efforts to establish IPv6 RIPEness as a measure of IPv6 deployment among LIRs. In 2011, she joined the Science Division as Manager of the Measurements Community Building team; in 2015 she moved to Communications Department as Senior Community Builder, with a focus on organising hackathons. Vesna gives presentations at many technical conferences and workshops, and enjoys visiting hackerspaces. Vesna received a Batchelor of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Informatics from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. She has three children.
• 3 min read
Thursday, 30 March 2017 - Live blogging from RightsCon in Brussels, Day Two.
• 6 min read
It is my first time at RightsCon in Brussels, and I will be sharing my impressions by updating this article several times today.
• 1 min read
In March 2017, the sixth instalment of RightsCon will be happening in Brussels. This large event is one of the places for conversation about how to keep the internet open, free, and secure. RIPE NCC staff will be present, with live-blogging throughout the three day event. Stay tuned!
• 7 min read
In this article, we give one example of the possible communities that are now easier to build around RIPE Atlas probes. With the tagging of similar probes, existing communities can use additional tools for creating and analysing RIPE Atlas measurements, such as "IXP Country Jedi", to create their o…
• 3 min read
Here is an example of how cross-pollination between two or more communities can create success. An overlap between IETF participants, RIPE Atlas users and listeners of a popular German podcast has led to growth in the deployment of RIPE Atlas probes (hardware devices that measure Internet infrastru…
• 3 min read
At the RIPE NCC, we are grateful for the contribution RIPE Atlas ambassadors make to the success of the RIPE Atlas measurements platform. In this article, we focus on a handy RIPEstat tool that can be used to visualise the results of their efforts. The tool provides a historical view of country-spe…
• 6 min read
The fourth RIPE NCC Hackathon was as fun and productive as the previous three, with even more supporting organisations and participants. This short article aims to express our gratitude to everyone involved and to give a summary of our experiences, while several projects will be described in more d…
• 7 min read
Maybe surprisingly, there is quite an overlap between the RIPE community and the hackers community. Visiting a local hackerspace has been a tradition for more than five years: during RIPE Meetings, network operators groups, IXP meetings and other technical events. This is a nostalgic look back to t…
• 10 min read
RIPE Atlas lets you make customised measurements from thousands of probes around the world. These measurements cost credits, which users usually earn by hosting or sponsoring RIPE Atlas probes - or you may have just been given a million RIPE Atlas credits as a member of one of the Regional Internet…
• 4 min read
The Dutch Network Operators Group had its annual conference on 9 September 2016, in Amsterdam. Here are some impressions of the event.
• 10 min read
The RIPE community has always aimed to foster an open, supportive atmosphere across its events and communication fora. The RIPE Code of Conduct helps make clear which behaviours cultivate that, and which don't. Here, the RIPE Code of Conduct Team talk about the work they do to help uphold RIPE comm…
• 7 min read
At the RIPE DNS Hackathon 2023, a group of DNS enthusiasts started writing implementations of the Authenticated DNSSEC Bootstrapping protocol. After the event, the work continued, culminating in the completion of a module for Knot DNS. So what problem does the new feature address, and how can you u…
• 13 min read
ChatGPT and other AI applications such as Midjourney have pushed "Artificial Intelligence" high on the hype cycle. In this article, I want to focus specifically on the energy cost of training and using applications like ChatGPT, what their widespread adoption could mean for global CO₂ emissions, an…
• 10 min read
DNS-OARC, Netnod and the RIPE NCC invite you to join us for our DNS Hackathon in Rotterdam, 20 - 21 May 2023, taking place over the weekend before RIPE 86.
• 3 min read
On 1-2 December 2022, together with the partners, the RIPE NCC organised a Quantum Internet Hackathon in Amsterdam, Dublin, Padua, Poznan, Sarajevo and online! It was great fun to work on the challenges and explore the mysteries of the Quantum Internet.
• 7 min read
The RIPE NCC is co-organising a Quantum Internet Hackathon simultaneously in five nodes on 1-2 December 2022. Join us in Amsterdam, Dublin, Padua, Poznan, Sarajevo - and online!
• 9 min read
Choice of communication tools is not usually a topic for RIPE community engineers. This article is aimed at not-so-technical audiences who might need help and support from their IT colleagues during these difficult times.
• 8 min read
The RIPE NCC recently held two Open House events to bring together people who help organise NOGs, which bring together people who help operate the Internet in particular parts the world.
• 7 min read
Our cloud strategy framework provides a starting point that we will use when developing cloud implementations in the future. It also forms a solid basis for discussions with the community on specific proposals relating to our services.
• 11 min read
Our draft cloud strategy framework is an attempt to bring everything together in a way that sets out some boundaries, identifies critical elements, and indicates where we need to be strict vs where we can afford to be a little more relaxed. This should hopefully support more clarity regarding how w…
There's an interesting webinar coming up, on 13th May: "Covid and Mental Health", organised by Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Bristol https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZhLvJk1eRoi8FwqDKcW1SA
Upcoming course on the topic of safety: "Psychological Safety: Privilege & Power", by Jyotsna Sara George & "The Hum" 29 April, 09:00 – 10:30 CEST, over Zoom https://www.thehum.org/events-1/psychological-safety-privilege-power
“On Tuesday, 16. March 2021, there is an upcoming event "Resilience Skills You Need Right Now", by resilience expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka “Dr. G” works with families, organizations, and businesses to identify the mindset and strategies to turn stress to an advantage: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-live/events/276814472/ "Can you believe it’s been a year since we went into lockdown? The past 12 months have been filled with uncertainty, but one thing is for sure: stress levels are soaring. Let’s take the time to learn how to channel our stress, negative energy, and longing of the past into something more useful. Learn resilience skills for anything life throws your way."”
More events! On Tuesday 23. March there is EMEA InfoSecurity Magazine Summit, and on Wednesday 24. March the North America version: https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/online-summits/spring-2021-emea-edition/ & https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/online-summits/mar-24-2021-north-america/ For met he most interesting talks are: "Diversity & Inclusion - Ensuring a Cyber Future that Works for All" & "Take A Deeper Look at Team Burnout & How the Industry Can Tackle Mental Health" . Take a look at the rest of the programme and register for free!
On Tuesday, 16. March 2021, there is an upcoming event "Resilience Skills You Need Right Now", by resilience expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka “Dr. G” works with families, organizations, and businesses to identify the mindset and strategies to turn stress to an advantage: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-live/events/276814472/ "Can you believe it’s been a year since we went into lockdown? The past 12 months have been filled with uncertainty, but one thing is for sure: stress levels are soaring. Let’s take the time to learn how to channel our stress, negative energy, and longing of the past into something more useful. Learn resilience skills for anything life throws your way."
There's an open online event coming up on 17th March: more info and registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/data-feminism-tickets-143291800633 "a joint event organised by the Department of Informatics and the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) at King's College London. DDH and Informatics are taking the Data Feminism book as an opportunity to explore broader collaborations between students and staff in our respective departments around how feminist perspectives can enrich our work with and about data."
Hi Alex, here's a blog post from Next Generation Internet about their instant messaging applications - it might be of interest to you & your readers: https://www.ngi.eu/news/2021/01/15/instant-messaging-the-ngi-way/
Here's an ISOC page that collects more information about this event: https://insights.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/4992
Cory Doctorow, digital rights activist and science-fiction writer, also wrote about this RFC: https://pluralistic.net/2020/10/05/florida-man/#user-agents
Pingback: This article was republished by Jaap van Till on his blog: https://theconnectivist.wordpress.com/2020/10/01/the-internet-is-for-the-empowerment-of-users/
A report "Automated decision-making (ADM) systems in the covid pandemic: a European perspective" was published on 1st September 2020: Article: https://algorithmwatch.org/en/project/automating-society-2020-covid19/ They point out to many other initiatives of several academic institutions and civil society organisation, of keeping track of the developments in contact-tracing apps; and they make a distinction between Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and ADM systems. Full report: https://algorithmwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ADM-systems-in-the-Covid-19-pandemic-Report-by-AW-BSt-Sept-2020.pdf
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